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Agenda item

Fairer Contributions Policy

To assess the purpose, scope and impact of the Fairer Contributions policy.




(Councillor Hunneman declared a personal interest in Agenda item 10 by virtue of the fact that his mother was in receipt of a care package. As his interest was personal and not prejudicial or a disclosable pecuniary interest, he determined to take part in the debate and vote on the matter).

Councillor Gwen Mason introduced the item commenting that it was important to ensure that the Fairer Contributions Policy was right as it affected many people. However, Councillor Mason requested that the Disability External Scrutiny (DES) Board be invited to explain the issues that they had raised, believing that a clearer understanding would be gained by the Commission from their first hand accounts. Councillor Mason told the Commission that the DES Board considered the policy too long and complicated.

Jo England informed the Commission that the original policy had been introduced in 2003 and followed closely the guidelines set out by the Department of Health. The policy had represented a shift from an old Berkshire policy and as a result some discretionary items were introduced. In 2011 the policy was reviewed again and the Service consulted widely with a number of disability groups. The discretionary items were removed which led to some increase in charges, and due to the scale of the policy change, every individual affected received a letter outlining their recalculated charges.

Councillor Webb asked for clarification about the issues being debated as it was not clear whether the policy was considered to be unclear, or unfit for purpose.

Jo England explained that the element that the DES board had discussed and raised concerns over, had been Disability Related Expenditure, which formed a part of the overall Fairer Contributions Policy. Jo England stressed that whilst some individuals had been unhappy with the policy, there were approximately 3,000 assessments carried out each year and very few appeals were made against the decisions. The Service believed they were operating fully within the guidelines.

Councillor Hunneman suggested that if the issue was specifically about Disability Related Expenditure, the DES board might be able to explain further.

Councillor Webster agreed, commenting that this was an important issue and the Portfolio Holder and members of the DES board should be allowed to speak directly to the Commission in order to consider the issues with a full set of information.

Acknowledging that some members of the DES board were restricted in the hours that they could attend a meeting, Councillor Webb suggested that this item be discussed at the next meeting and that it begin at the earlier time of 5pm. Councillor Mason agreed that this would be a suitable solution.

Jo England requested clarity as to whether the issue for discussion would be the full Fairer Contributions Policy or the Disability Related Expenditure element. The Chairman said that this would be clarified when all interested parties were present.

Councillor Laszlo Zverko requested clarification as to the number of people who had been consulted and the responses received. Jo England explained that the first consultation to 2,500 service users was part of the generic, corporate consultation. The second consultation to 1,200 service users went to a proportion of the original set who received a chargeable service. The 26 responses were received from the second consultation exercise. June Graves informed the Commission that the responses were contained within the Equality Impact Assessment as themes and any adjustments made as a result of the comments were also reflected there. It was also noted that some of the responses received were favourable.

June Graves further commented that the amended policy brought West Berkshire Council in line with other authorities who had been operating a similar policy for some time.

Councillor Mason stated that the policy was next due for updating in 2016 which would be a long wait for users. Councillor Webb advised that the policy was reviewed on an annual basis.

The Commission agreed to discuss this item at the next meeting with members of the DES board invited.

Resolved that:

·        The meeting of 1 July 2014 would start at 5pm;

·        Members of the DES board and the Portfolio Holder would be invited to attend;

·        Councillor Mason should clarify with the DES Board whether it was scrutiny of the overall Policy or Disability Related Expenditure that was required.

[19:20 - The Chairman adjourned the meeting for a 10 minute break.]

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