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Agenda item

Consideration of Urgent Items

Purpose: To consider any items in which an Urgent Decision us required to be taken by the Executive, in exception to the requirements of the Local Authorities (Execut8ive arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012.



The Commission were requested to consider an urgent item in regarding to the following:


The Council conducted a public consultation exercise (Phase 1) on its 2016/17 budget which ran from 3 November through to 14 December.  The consultation contained 47 separate public consultation proposals which amount to £4.6m. This was part of a £10.8m package of savings proposals.


Shortly before Christmas the Government consulted the Council on its proposed Revenue Support Grant (RSG) proposals for the next four years.  The consultation proposed that the Council have its RSG reduced by 44% in 2016/17 effectively meaning that the Council had to find a further £7m in order to deliver a balanced budget.


The Council is now conducting a Phase 2 public consultation exercise which will run from 15 January 2016 to 7 March 2016. 


At its meeting on 1 March the Council will be required to set its 2016/17 budget which will mean that all Phase 1 savings proposals will need to be considered and determine as part of this process.


It is proposed that Phase 2 of the public facing savings proposals be reported back to the Executive on 24 March (not the 21 April as stated on the current forward plan) for them to make appropriate decisions.  This change of date is so that all of those impacted by Phase 2 proposals are informed as early as possible.

Members were reminded that the introduction of The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 in September 2012 included a requirement to publish 28 clear days’ notice of any intended key decision on the Forward Plan. On occasions, however, situations arise where an urgent decision needs to be made in respect of an item that does not appear on the Forward Plan. The process for taking an urgent decision without giving 28 days’ notice requires the authority to consult  all Members of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Commission to explain to them what the decision is about and why it is urgent.

Therefore, Members of the Commission would be consulted prior to the item being discussed by the Executive on the 24th March 2016 as an urgent item.

Andy Day, Head of Strategic Support, explained that a great deal of work and time was required in order to upload consultation responses and prepare the report in readiness for the Executive on 25th March 2016 – following closure of the Phase 2 Consultation . He reminded Members that it had previously been agreed that the Executive would consider the Phase 2 results in April, however, the date for consideration had moved in order that actions could commence and impacted parties could be informed at the earliest opportunity.


Members heard that the Phase 1 proposals would be considered at the Council meeting on 1st March 2016. The meeting would not consider the outcome of the Phase 2 consultation as this would still be in progress at the point of the meeting.


Members discussed whether the Council meeting on 1st March 2016 could be postponed in order to consider the outcome of the Phase 2 consultation. Andy Walker, Head of Finance, advised that the Council had a legal requirement to deliver a balance budget by 11th March 2016. He stated that, in his judgment, changes could be made after the 11th March 2016 if necessary and could consider using the Transitional Grants. As Chief Finance Officer he was confident that the current methodology was acceptable.


Councillor David Goff highlighted that the task of the Commission was to consider which group should be requested to consider the findings of the Phase 2 consultation.  Members concluded that the urgent item should proceed to the Executive on 24th March 2016.


Resolved that the urgent item would be considered by Executive on 24th March 2016.