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Agenda item

Key Accountable Performance 2018/19: Quarter One (EX3420)


Purpose:  To report quarter one outturns for the Key Accountable Measures (KAMs) which monitor performance against the 2018/19 Council Performance Framework; to provide assurance that the objectives set out in the Council Strategy 2015-2019 and other areas of significant activity are being managed effectively; to present, by exception, those measures which are predicted to be ‘amber’ (behind schedule) or ‘red’ (not achievable) at year end, and provide information on any remedial action taken and the impact of that action; to recommend changes to measures/targets, as requested by services.


Resolved that:


·         Progress against the Key Accountable Measures (KAMs) and key achievements in all services be noted.

·         Those areas reported as ‘amber’ and ‘red’ had been reviewed to ensure that appropriate actions are in place:



1)        (LRIER) London Road Industrial Estate redevelopment 2018/19 milestone: Create and gain approval for the business plan.

2)        Average number of days taken to make a full decision on new Benefits claims.

3)        % of clients with Long Term Service (LTS) receiving a review in the past 12 months.

4)        % of ‘major’ planning applications determined within 13 weeks or the agreed extended time.

5)        % of ‘minor’ planning applications determined within 8 weeks or the agreed extended time.

6)        % of ‘other’ planning applications determined within 8 weeks or the agreed extended time.



1)        % of WBC provider services inspected by Care Quality Commission (CQC) that are rated good or better by CQC in the area of “safe”.


·         It be noted and approved that the target for “Delayed Transfers of Care” would be set nationally during Quarter Two.

·         The KPI “% of high priority Disabled Facilities Grants approved within 9 weeks of receipt of full grant applications” be removed and a more meaningful alternative investigated.

·         The number of people aged 16-24 and 16-64 who claim Claimant Count would be reported as a measure of volume, instead of those just claiming Jobseekers Allowance to reflect the move towards Universal Credit.


This decision is eligible to be ‘called-in’.  However, if the decision has not been ‘called-in’ by 5.00pm on 13 September 2018, then it will be implemented.


The Executive considered the report (Agenda Item 6) which outlined quarter four outturns for the Key Accountable Measures (KAMs) which monitored performance against the 2018/19 Council Performance Framework; which sought to provide assurance that the objectives set out in the Council Strategy and other areas of significant activity were being managed effectively; which presented, by exception, those measures that were predicted to be ‘amber’ (behind schedule) or ‘red’ (not achievable) by year end together with information on any remedial action being taken and its impact; and which recommended changes to measures/targets as requested by services.

Councillor Rick Jones presented the report in the absence of Councillor Dominic Boeck. He reported that the Council set itself challenging targets and performance against these, irrespective of the results, was outlined in this open and honest report.

Overall, the Council’s performance was good, the majority of measures were ‘green’ and improvements were being seen. Councillor Rick Jones particularly highlighted the improvements made in reducing the number of delayed transfers of care (DToC).

Four measures were reported as ‘amber’ and there was a single ‘red’ indicator, however actions plans were in place in each of these cases.

Councillor Rick Jones next made reference to the Performance Scorecard. This summary page reported the priority for improvement of ‘Safeguarding Children and Adults’ as being green/red and Councillor Jones gave some clarity on this. Firstly, the Council’s target in this very important area was 100% and therefore rightly challenging. Councillor Rick Jones then explained that in relation to Safeguarding Children, the Council’s performance was entirely green. This was also the case for Safeguarding Adults but with one exception – the Birchwood Care Home, as the home had received a Care Quality Commission (CQC) rating of ‘Requires Improvement’. However, rapid improvements were being made under a strong action plan.

Councillor Alan Macro noted from the Scorecard that the Council’s net budget for 2018/19 was stated as £125.4m. However, this was stated as £119.4m in the Quarter One Financial Report and there was therefore an error to be corrected.

Also in the Scorecard, staff turnover of 14.5% was reported which he felt to be of concern. Councillor Macro asked what efforts were being made to improve this and how would issues highlighted in the Employee Attitude Survey be addressed. Councillor Graham Jones responded to this point and stated his view that this was a low rate of turnover for such a large organisation. This percentage would also be considered as low in the private sector. Councillor Rick Jones would ask Councillor Boeck to respond more fully to these questions.

Councillor Macro noted the reduction in the number of planning applications received since the same period last year and queried the reasons for this decrease. He followed this by asking if the proposed recruitment of three Planning Officers was still planned. Councillor Hilary Cole advised that there was not a clear view on the reasons for this reduction. She added that the Planning Service was currently understaffed and staffing requirements were constantly monitored.

Councillor Macro next queried the number of live applicants on the Common Housing Register (CHR). While this had marginally increased in comparison to Q1 of 2017/18, it had decreased since 2016/17. Councillor Cole explained that there had been several reviews of the Council’s allocations policy since 2014. A more stringent criteria was in place with a view to giving greater assistance to local people and a greater level of viligence was employed for reviewing applicants which could result in people being removed. Monitoring regularly took place.

However, Councillor Cole did not believe there to be a reduction in the level of need. The Homelessness Reduction Act enabled local authorities to assist people with finding housing in the private rental sector and this did result in a reduced number on the CHR.

Finally, Councillor Macro noted a decline in the Council’s use of Shaw House and he queried what was being done to encourage greater use of the building for Council meetings etc. Councillor Rick Jones acknowledged that there had been a decline in Council use but this had been balanced by greater public use, for which there was a stronger business case, and this pointed towards a prosperous future for Shaw House.

Councillor James Fredrickson highlighted the exceptionally good news that a record number of properties subject to business rates was in place. An increase of 346 (5,359 to 5,705) since Q1 of 2017/18.

Councillor Fredrickson then drew comparisons to Q4 of 2017/18. Since that time, the number of properties subject to business rates had risen by 159 and the number of empty properties had only increased by 15, which further highlighted this positive news.


·         Progress against the KAMs and key achievements in all services be noted.

·         Those areas reported as ‘amber’ and ‘red’ had been reviewed to ensure that appropriate actions were in place (listed below):


1)        (LRIER) London Road Industrial Estate redevelopment 2018/19 milestone: Create and gain approval for the business plan.

2)        Average number of days taken to make a full decision on new Benefits claims.

3)        % of clients with Long Term Service (LTS) receiving a review in the past 12 months.

4)        % of ‘major’ planning applications determined within 13 weeks or the agreed extended time.

5)        % of ‘minor’ planning applications determined within 8 weeks or the agreed extended time.

6)        % of ‘other’ planning applications determined within 8 weeks or the agreed extended time.


1)        % of WBC provider services inspected by Care Quality Commission (CQC) that are rated good or better by CQC in the area of “safe”.

·         Additions and amendments made to KAMs, following Corporate Board’s requests for further information during the target setting process, were noted and approved:

(a)       Delayed Transfer of Care (DToC) target will be set nationally during Q2.

·         The removal of the KPI “% of high priority Disabled Facilities Grants approved within 9 weeks of receipt of full grant applications” and the proposal to investigate a more meaningful alternative be agreed.

·         The reporting of the number of people aged 16-24 and 16-64 who claim Claimant Count, instead of those just claiming Jobseekers Allowance, be agreed as a measure of volume to reflect the move towards Universal Credit.

Other options considered: None.

Supporting documents: