Agenda item
Homelessness Strategy Group Winter Plan for 2018/19 (Sam Headland)
To respond to the Board's request for the Homelessness Strategy Group to produce a Winter Plan.
The Board considered a report (Agenda Item 11) to present the Homeless Strategy Group’s Winter Action Plan, which sough to provide extra support to rough sleepers, and to reduce the number of individuals needing to rough sleep over winter.
Sam Headland reported that a range of stakeholders from voluntary agencies, statutory agencies and the commissioned provider (Two Saints) had come together as part of the Homelessness Strategy Group to produce the Winter Plan. The group’s remit would include all homelessness but in the short term their focus had been on rough sleeping.
Since the report had been published, an outreach worker had come into post who had been funded by Rough Sleeper Initiative funding. Unfortunately, West Berkshire Homeless had advised that they would be unable to deliver an overflow facility so in order to mitigate any potential gap Two Saints would investigate whether they could provide any more emergency spaces.
Councillor Rick Jones asked whether there would be a gap between the numbers of rough sleepers and the emergency accommodation available. Sam Headland advised that there were 26 people identified as rough sleeping in West Berkshire and there would be 20 emergency spaces available at Two Saints. It was likely these numbers would change as people moved on into accommodation.
Andrew Sharp gave thanks to all involved in producing the Winter Action Plan, particularly Sam Headland, Lindsey Finch and Sally Kelsall. He stated that the group had achieved the most rapid turnaround the Board had seen and should be commended for their joint working.
Andrew Sharp noted that there still might be people at risk of rough sleeping who would not want to go to Two Saints and they would need a move on plan. All partners would need to continue to work together in the long term as their success would depend on all playing a part. He pressed the Health and Wellbeing Board to set a target date to end rough sleeping and expressed the view that services provided across Berkshire West should be assessed to ensure they were delivered in West Berkshire.
Sam Headland agreed that accountability was important and advised that any emerging issues would be escalated to the Board as appropriate. Partners were already in a far better place to work together and communication between them was much improved.
Tandra Forster asked which agencies had been contacted regarding the potential shortfall in emergency accommodation. Sam Headland advised that she would be holding discussions with the Council’s Housing Team in the first instance, before discussing accommodation providers and the voluntary sector. Andrew Sharp noted that conversations were ongoing with Greenham Common Trust.
Councillor Lynne Doherty asked whether the Making Every Adult Matter (MEAM) programme had begun to make a statistical impact on homelessness in West Berkshire. Sam Headland advised that she was unable to comment however in her experience the MEAM clients were supported and were engaging with services. Councillor Doherty commended the plan and sought clarification on local connection to the Severe Weather Emergency Plan. Sam Headland advised that some years previously, the Council had opened a discretionary level of SWEP to all rough sleepers which had resulted in a number of people who were not usually resident in West Berkshire coming into the area to use the service. Services had been put under pressure and so a decision had been taken to offer the statutory level of SWEP to all rough sleepers and the discretionary level to rough sleepers with a local connection. Councillor Lock supported the proposed approach.
Cathy Winfield updated that the CCG had been engaging with people in the homeless community to identify the best approach for delivering health outreach support and had identified that many were registered with a GP.
Luke Bingham asked whether there was visibility of the emergency provision available in other areas. Sam Headland advised that every area would provide the statutory level of SWEP and discretionary support was variable.
Dr Bahia asked for more information on how the members of the Health and Wellbeing Board could help. Sam Headland advised that it would be useful for the Board to use their platform to educate the public that if they were concerned about someone sleeping rough, they should use the Streetlink service to inform the relevant authorities. Andrew Sharp advised it might also be useful to advertise how members of the public could volunteer their time and noted that West Berkshire Homeless would provide support in Two Saints.
Councillor Rick Jones stated that he was heartened by the collaborative approach the Homelessness Strategy Group had taken and hoped the plan would be successful.
RESOLVED that the Health and Wellbeing Board agree, endorse and promote the Winter Action Plan.
Supporting documents:
- 11. Homelessness Strategy Group Winter Plan for 201819, item 23. PDF 86 KB
- 11a. Homelessness Strategy Group Winter Plan 18, item 23. PDF 41 KB