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Agenda item

Council Plan Outcomes 2010/11 - Quarter 2 Performance Update

Purpose: To examine the Council performance report for Quarter 2 of 2010/11 to consider, where appropriate, any remedial action. 


The Commission considered the Quarter 2 Council Plan outcomes performance report (Agenda Item 9).

Jason Teal introduced the report by advising that of the 97 indicators reported at Quarter 2, 79% were reported green, 12% amber and the remaining 9% reported as red. 

It was queried how the Better Roads and Transport indicator to improve the perception of footways could be measured.  Jason Teal advised that the Highways Service was part of a national benchmarking club which had commissioned an external agency to run a residents’ survey on this issue. 

It was noted that the number of red indicators had increased when compared to this time last year (6% to 9%).  This was concerning as it was felt that the number of red indicators was likely to increase during the course of the year.  Efforts were therefore needed to prevent this.  Discussion then followed on some of the red indicators as follows:

CPAH03 - Award 85 new grant loans to bring properties up to a safe and decent standard

The exception report indicated that consideration was being given to launching a campaign to improve performance in November 2010.  Members were interested to find out if this took place and the effect that it had.  This information would be requested.

Jason Teal informed Members that it would be beneficial to discuss progress against red indicators at Commission meetings.  Councillor Brian Bedwell asked Members to indicate if there were particular indicators they wished to focus on in advance of future performance discussions.  This would enable the officer(s) concerned to be invited to attend the meeting and provide additional information.

CPAH06 - Facilitate a total annual provision of 80 new affordable housing units with 25% of this total as new units in rural areas

A reason given for this indicator turning red was the impact of the recession.  This included developers making an economic viability case and having the requirement to contribute to affordable housing waived.  Members voiced concerns on this point as developers could continue to make this case, potentially leading to further losses of affordable housing in future.

It was therefore agreed that a Planning officer would be invited to attend the next meeting to discuss this indicator in more detail.

CPHQP07a – Ensure that performance in relation to the speed in which planning applications were determined was maintained above the Government’s targets

The section detailing the risks associated with new remedial actions was referred to.  The risks described were not felt to relate to the remedial actions, but rather the risk of this indicator not being achieved.  Nick Carter advised that this would be amended in future reports.

It was advised that there were staff shortages in Planning and this was felt to contribute to the reduced performance levels.  Therefore permission had been granted to recruit to some posts in the service and it was hoped that performance would improve when these positions had been filled. 


(1)       Further information would be requested on indicator CPAH03.

(2)       Members, on receipt of future performance reports, would indicate if there were particular indicators they wished to focus on so that additional information could be provided.

(3)       A Planning officer would be invited to attend the next meeting to discuss indicator CPAH06 in more detail. 

(4)       Information on the risks associated with new remedial actions would only relate to those actions in future reports and not risks from failing to achieve the indicator. 

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