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Agenda item

Delivering the Health and Wellbeing Strategy Q2 2019/20

To report on the progress of the Board’s sub-groups to deliver the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.


Catalin Bogos presented the Delivering the Health and Wellbeing Strategy Q2 2019/20 report (agenda item 8) which reviewed the progress made by the Health and Wellbeing Board’s sub-groups to deliver the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

Catalin Bogos thanked colleagues and sub group leads for their input in to the report.  He added that improved and complete data had been provided to the Board. The majority of measures showed an increase in activity and performance and the target was being reached.

Councillor Lynne Doherty thanked Catalin Bogos for the report. She made reference to item 6.3 which stated that during Q2, a total of 17,201 page views had been recorded on the West Berkshire Directory (Family Information and SEND Local Offer). She congratulated the team for their success and highlighted the fact that the word was out there which demonstrated that information services were working.

Councillor Lynne Doherty felt that it would be useful to know the actual numbers representing the percentages despite the absence of a target. She also added that it was good to see over 40 of the KPI’s at green status.

Andy Sharp commented that the level of delays for transfers of care were comparatively low. Joint and Social Care delays were the main problems due to access to care services.  The pathway had improved, along with booked beds in the sector. He added that the Marketing Management Lead role had gone out to advert.

Andrew Sharp commented on the re-enablement pathways.  He asked if the pathway with Great Western was as good as it was.  Action: Andy Sharp to forward information to Andrew Sharp.

Councillor Graham Bridgman referred to the reduction in the number of child protection cases. He asked what the actual number of cases was and if we were doing better. He also asked if pharmacists were employed at PCN level and how this worked.

Dr Bal Bahia mentioned that individual PCN’s needed to work out what their requirements were and if more than one pharmacist was being employed.  He referred to the fact that one of the two suicide targets had been achieved and asked if there was ever a red and also how this was being RAG rated. Councillor Rick Jones stated that the Health and Wellbeing Board had ten sub groups, some of which had had an extraordinary job delivering the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.  It was currently work in progress in terms of deciding what the actions were and how these were being measured. 

Councillor Martha Vickers informed the group that she had attended the Substance Misuse Group and reported that poor attendance had led to cancellations of the group sessions.  She also reported that health champions had had their funding cut.  Action: Councillor Martha Vickers to put this in writing to Councillor Rick Jones.

Tessa Lindfield referred to the falls prevention objective (No.19) being amber.  She asked what was being done to increase the number of people aged over 65 being referred to the Steady Steps programme.  Matthew Pearce responded that this needed to chased up, and the Council was working closely with the Fire Service to increase the number of referrals.

Andrew Sharp asked the question why the housing objective (No.14) was not targeted. Dr Bal Bahia responded that he would clarify the number the CCG was looking for.

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