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Agenda item

Council Strategy Delivery Plan (EX3815)

Purpose: To inform the Executive of the proposed performance measures and associated targets to be used as part of the Council Strategy Delivery Plan in order to monitor the progress of the Council Strategy 2019/23 delivery.



Resolved that the performance measures and targets to be used for reporting at Executive level as part of the 2019/20 Council Strategy Delivery Plan be approved.


This decision is not subject to call in as:


·      the item has been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Commission, or has been the subject of a review undertaken by another body within the preceding six months.


therefore it will be implemented immediately.


The Executive considered a report (Agenda Item 13) concerning the proposed performance measures and associated targets to be used as part of the Council Strategy Delivery Plan in order to monitor the progress of the Council Strategy 2019/23 delivery.

Councillor Lynne Doherty explained that the Delivery Plan followed on from the Council Strategy and included a breakdown of performance measures and targets to enable the Council to monitor the delivery of the priorities. It would be used as a working tool to track progress. Some of the objectives included stretched targets which showed that the Council was aiming high and was looking for continuous improvement. It aimed to be a best practice authority and therefore some of the wins would not be easy in terms of delivery. Portfolio Holders would be responsible for their areas and the Delivery Plan would be fed back into Executive meetings to monitor progress.

Councillor Alan Macro referred to Commitment 3.2 – Ensure our planning policies enable start-up and growth of businesses in the District. He stated that this was a good aim but he was not sure how that could be measured. Councillor Hilary Cole advised that this was just a place marker at this stage and discussions were still ongoing as to how that could best be measured. Nick Carter confirmed that Economic Development was a key priority and targets would be brought to OSMC for discussion in the first instance.

Councillor Lee Dillon referred to Commitment 5.3(a) regarding the installation of 2 megawatts of solar panels. It was noted that the governance of that would be through the Environment Board which was a non-public meeting. He asked if that could be reported through Executive. Councillor Lynne Doherty confirmed that all the measures would be reported through the Executive on a regular basis. She personally thanked the work undertaken by the OSMC and the number of recommendations which had come through that committee and which had been accepted.

Councillor Jeff Brooks noted that one of the commitments referred to retaining the top 10 businesses in the district and he hoped to see that also reflected in the Economic Development Strategy.

Councillor Erik Pattenden noted that the Council Strategy had identified Greenham and Thatcham North as amongst some of the most deprived areas in the country although they had not specifically been referred to in the Delivery Plan. He asked how these areas would benefit. Councillor Lynne Doherty advised that work around the wider detrimental areas would come through the Health and Wellbeing Board. Councillor Rick Jones agreed that one of the major objectives for the Board was to look at equality across the district. Councillor Doherty added that the intention had been to get away from naming individual areas. Councillor Dominic Boeck confirmed that this was a complex picture with a range of influences and therefore it was necessary to look across the whole piece.

Councillor Steve Masters thanked the Executive for all the work which had been undertaken on this. The stretch targets were welcomed. He referred to the declaration of a Climate Emergency with a 2030 target and he asked whether that was something that needed to be measured. Councillor Steve Ardagh-Walter confirmed that this was something that he was conscious of. It was a strategic priority for this Administration and would be repeated in any refresh of the four year strategy. Councillor Masters suggested that there should be a target for the Council to ensure that its own estate was zero carbon during the current Administration. Councillor Lynne Doherty confirmed that the KPI’s in the Delivery Plan were those that would be reported to the Executive but sat underneath was a suite of measures that Corporate Board had responsibility for. Just because they were not in this list did not mean that they were not happening. Councillor Maters asked if those measures could come through the Environment Board and Councillor Doherty responded that there was no reason why they could not be reported through that Board. 

RESOLVED that the performance measures and targets to be used for reporting at Executive level as part of the 2019/20 Council Strategy Delivery Plan be approved.

Other options considered: The Delivery Plan was produced as a result of the Full Council’s decision in May 2019 to adopt the Council Strategy 2019/23. The production of the plan was based on an iterative process with the consultation and engagement of Officers and Members (including OSMC) and as a result there were no alternative options suggested.

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