Agenda item
Jessica Bailiss drew attention to the report (Agenda Item 5), which sought to inform the Schools’ Forum of any changes to the membership.
Section three of the report included detail on a discrepancy between the Schools’ Forum’s Constitution and the Schools’ Forum Regulations 2012 regarding Elected Members of the Local Authority. The Constitution had now been updated accordingly and going forward only the Executive Member for Children, Education and Young People and the Executive Member for Finance would be permitted to speak at meetings of the Forum.
Jessica Bailiss referred to section four of the report and stated that any members of the Forum that were approaching the end of their Term of Office had been contacted and consultation was taking place accordingly.
There were still three vacancies on the Forum including a maintained primary school business manager; a maintained secondary school governor and an academy headteacher position. The necessary action was being taken to try and fill the positions.
Councillor Dominic Boeck queried if the Chairman was permitted to invite other persons (outside of those permitted under the Schools’ Forums’ Regulations 2012) to speak at meetings of the Forum. The Chairman stated that he thought that this was unlikely however this point would be checked within the Schools Forum Regulations 2012. (Post minute comment : The Schools’ Forum Regulations 2012 state clearly who can speak at meetings of the Forum and does not make any provision for persons outside of this list to speak).
RESOLVED that the Schools’ Forum noted the report.
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