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Agenda item

Growth Fund 20912/20 Payments (Melanie Ellis)


(Reverend Mark Bennet declared an interest in Agenda Item 11, by virtue of the fact that he was a director at Kennett Academy Trust.)

Melanie Ellis introduced the item, which aimed to inform the Schools’ Forum of payments made to schools from the Growth Fund in 2019/20.

Only one school had applied for growth funding, which was the Kennet School Academies Trust. The Trust had met the Growth Fund criteria and the relevant payment had been approved by the Head of Education for £50k.

Melanie Ellis reported that the current balance of the Growth Fund (after the payment to Kennet) was £133k. Any unspent balance would be carried forward and added to next year’s Growth Fund, to ensure there was enough funding for the new primary school, Highwood Copse, which was planned to open in September 2020.

RESOLVED that the Schools’ Forum noted the report.

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