Agenda item
Healthwatch Covid Patient Experience Survey Report
To present the Healthwatch report and written responses received to date in relation to the report's recommendations.
Andrew Sharp presented the report. It was noted that the data was gathered between May and August 2020 and mostly related to the first wave of the pandemic and preceded the second lockdown. The survey had been undertaken jointly with Reading and Wokingham – West Berkshire had the largest response. More compliments than complaints were seen in the free-text responses, but over 240 local families were bereaved due to COVID-19. He noted that responses were still awaited from the Integrated Care System and Integrated Care Partnership. The report stressed the need to learn from mistakes so more lives could be saved in the event of a future pandemic.
Shairoz Claridge welcomed the report and its insights. She indicated that the CCG response was being prepared. She noted that lessons were learned from Wave 1 which informed the response of the NHS to Wave 2. Key meetings had been maintained to coordinate actions, with some ICP meetings moved to shorter sessions. She stated that there had been lots of challenges due to social distancing and infection control, but services were back to pre-COVID levels with a mix of virtual and face-to-face meetings. She indicated that the NHS was supporting decompression of staff and recognised the need to keep learning and improving.
Councillor Owen Jeffery reinforced the need to not just go back to normal after COVID-19 and to apply lessons learned in future years.
Andy Sharp indicated that the report was useful to show how public perceptions had changed through the pandemic. He reflected that some of the difficulties faced in the first wave were outside of local agencies’ control. He welcomed the report and ongoing discussions.
Councillor Lynne Doherty observed that there would be learning at the national level and queried how all the different research and lessons could be pulled together in West Berkshire. She noted that Overview and Scrutiny Management Commission would undertake a review later in the year and stressed the need to ensure that all voices were heard.
Councillor Joanne Stewart noted that there had been discussions on social media about difficulties in accessing dentists during the pandemic. She also welcomed that fact that the report included compliments and gave a balanced view.
The Chairman agreed that there was a clear need to learn lessons. He emphasises the need for further research to cover the second wave and the impacts of opening back up.
Andrew Sharp noted there were areas action could already be taken. He indicated that he had an NHS Dentistry contact who was willing to talk to relevant partners. He suggested that the Planning Authority would be an important partner. He noted there was still an issue with people not attending appointments, but it was not clear why. He indicated that there was an opportunity to promote careers in health and social care. He concluded by stressing the need to have open loop learning and to build back better and fairer, and to be better prepared for the next pandemic.
RESOLVED that the report be noted.
Supporting documents:
- 12. Healthwatch West Berkshire Covid-19 Survey Report, item 12. PDF 229 KB
- 12a. Draft Healthwatch West Berkshire Covid -19 First Wave Survey & Post First Wave findings in West Berkshire H&WBB 12.05.21, item 12. PDF 2 MB
- 12b WBC Response to Healthwatch West Berkshire Covid Report.docx, item 12. PDF 818 KB