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Agenda item

Schools' Forum Membership and Constitution from September 2020 (Jessica Bailiss)


Jessica Bailiss introduced the report (Agenda Item 5), which aimed to review and where necessary update the Membership and Constitution of the Schools’ Forum.

It was report that the composition of the Forum and number of members representing each sector needs to be broadly proportionate to pupil numbers in the district. Table one on page ten of the report showed a breakdown of pupil numbers compared to 2019 by sector and it could be seen the number of number of pupils in each sector had remained broadly the same and therefore no changes were proposed to the structure of the membership.

Jessica Bailiss referred to section five of the report and stated that there were also no changes proposed to the constitution at this time however, members were welcome to suggest any changes. The recommendation was for the Schools’ Forum to approve the Membership and the Constitution from July 2020 as set out in section two of the report.

Jonathan Chishick proposed that the Constitution and Membership from July 2020 be approved and this was seconded by Ian Nichol. At the vote the motion was carried.

RESOLVED that the Schools’ Forum approved the Membership and Constitution from July 2020.


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