Agenda item
Communications Update (Verbal Report)
To receive an update on COVID related communications, including consideration of a leaflet about COVID-19 Local Outbreak Control Plans, which is scheduled to go out to all residents of West Berkshire
Mandip Bilkhu provided an update on the work of the communications team in response to Covid-19 and how they were engaging with the public. She stated that the communications plan had been drafted and was split into three phases. Phase one involved communication of preventative and national messages. Phase 2 involved local messaging and informing residents of local data and information on Covid-19. Phase 3 involved communication in the event of an outbreak what would be done. She further noted that there was now a dedicated page on the Council’s website on the local outbreak plan, which was constantly being updated with new information. She also stated that the communications team were working with high risk settings to understand their processes and how their message can be communicated. She noted that the online parish conference had taken place, where town and parish councils were updated on the outbreak plan. Communications were also continuing to put national messages out into the public domain around face coverings and social distancing, whilst also working with businesses around signage and getting their message out. She stated that a leaflet had been designed that would be sent to residents (translated into Hindi, Polish, Portugese and Urdu) with the aim to get the leaflet out the week commencing August 10. She noted that a pre-delivery publicity piece would be launched on the leaflet. She noted that a social media campaign on Facebook had been launched to encourage residents to look at the local outbreak plan and newsletter so they can get weekly updates. She stated that they had been working with Community Support Hub to reach their contacts. Lastly, she stated that there was a national campaign being launched on testing and tracing.
Councillor Lynne Doherty thanked the communications team for their hard work and getting the messages both national and local on Covid-19. She asked if the communications team used any other platforms than Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
Mandip Bilkhu stated that the team also used Youtube and LinkedIn.
Matt Pearce that he and Tessa Lindfield were writing to workplaces to provide information on what do to if they had suspected or confirmed Covid-19 cases and to ensure they were Covid-19 secure.
Councillor Martha Vickers stated it would be wise to ensure that leaders of youth groups were communicating with the younger generations and providing a clear message. She further noted that the communications were internet heavy and asked what could be done for younger individuals who do not have access to the internet.
Mandip Bilkhu stated that the communications had been focusing on other communication streams than online, such as being able to phone the Council for advice. She noted that a larger leaflet for the visually impaired would also be sent out. She also noted that she would add communication with youth group leaders into the communications plan.
Councillor Lynne Doherty stated the need to avoid information overload in the leaflet and that the leaflet is key to providing contact details. She noted that there were a number of phone numbers that dealt with the communications being too internet heavy. With regards to youth groups, she stated that the Hub had been working closely with these groups throughout Covid-19.
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