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Agenda item

Final School Funding Formula 2021/22 (Melanie Ellis)


Melanie Ellis introduced the report (Agenda Item 6) which aimed to set out the results from the consultation with all schools on the proposed primary and secondary school funding formula for 2021/22 and to make a final recommendation.

The Schools’ Forum noted the outcome of the consultation with schools and the recommendations listed under section two of the report.

The Chairman invited the relevant members of the Forum to vote on each of the recommendations as follows.

Recommendation (1):

To mirror the DfE’s 2021/22 National Funding Formula to calculate the funding allocations

Catie Colston proposed that the Forum approve the above recommendation and this was seconded by Ian Nichol. At the vote (with school members and the PVI nursery representative only), the vote was carried.

Recommendation (2):

To award a lower increase to the schools sparsity factor in the local formula.

Hilary Latimer proposed that the Forum approve the above recommendation and this was seconded by Ian Nichol. At the vote (with school members and the PVI nursery representative only), the motion was carried.

Recommendation (3):

To address any surplus or shortfall in funding by adjusting the AWPU values.

Keith Harvey proposed that the Forum approve the above recommendation and this was seconded by Jon Hewitt. At the vote (with school members and the PVI nursery representative only), the motion was carried.

Recommendation (4):

To apply a top slice of 0.25% to the schools’ funding, in order to support High Needs.

Hilary Latimer proposed that the Forum approve the above recommendation and this was seconded by Jon Hewitt. At the vote (with school members and the PVI nursery representative only), the motion was carried.

Recommendation (5):

To approve the criteria for additional funds as per the consultation.

Hilary Latimer proposed that the Forum approve the above recommendation and this was seconded by Jon Hewitt. At the vote (with all Forum members), the motion was carried.

Recommendation (6) would be considered under agenda item eight – Delegations 2021/22.

RESOLVED that recommendations (1) to (5), as listed under section 2.1 of the report, were approved by the Schools’ Forum. Recommendation (6) would be considered under agenda item eight – De-delegations 2021/22.

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