Agenda item
Approval to adopt a revised Housing Allocations Policy (EX3902)
Purpose: To seek approval to adopt and implement the revised Housing Allocations Policy.
Resolved that the revised Housing Allocations Policy, as set out in Appendix A, be adopted and fully implemented when the Housing department’s ICT allocations system is deployed.
This decision is not subject to call in as:
· a delay in implementing the decision could cause the Council serious financial implications or could compromise the Council's position.
therefore it will be implemented immediately.
The Executive considered a report (Agenda Item 7) concerning the adoption and implementation of the Housing Allocations Policy.
Councillor Hilary Cole presented the report. She explained that the revised Policy provided the framework that would be used to make decisions on the allocation of social and affordable homes in West Berkshire.
Allocations would be based on a more easily understood banding system than the previous points based system.
The Policy outlined both the nationally set eligibility rules for the Common Housing Register and the rules that could be set at a local level. For example, the Common Housing Register would be closed to non-West Berkshire residents.
The Policy explained the bidding process for available homes and the process for assessing applications against housing need. Reasons were provided to explain why an application would be deferred or refused. Applicants were able to request a review of such a decision.
Councillor Cole was pleased to report that additional priority would be given to key workers and to members of the Armed Forces.
She thanked officers for their thorough work in reviewing the Policy and proposed its adoption. This was seconded by Councillor Steve Ardagh-Walter.
Councillor Carolyne Culver understood from data provided in November 2020 that there were 861 people who qualified for social housing at that time. She queried how many people would qualify for each category of the new banding system.
Councillor Cole explained that there were currently 816 people on the Common Housing Register who would qualify under the new Policy. She was however unable to confirm numbers on a band by band basis. She agreed to provide this in writing.
Councillor Culver then queried how the banding threshold figures of £44k and £60k were arrived at. Councillor Cole believed that these figures had been identified following research undertaken by officers. She would ask officers to confirm on this point.
Councillor Tony Vickers added his thanks to officers for their work. The revised Policy contained many positive improvements. Difficulties with the housing market continued with insufficient social housing to meet demand, but he noted that officers were doing all they could in that respect.
Councillor Tony Vickers queried when the new software would be installed to enable the revised Policy to be fully implemented. Councillor Cole gave her expectation that this would be early in the new year. The new software was in the process of being fully tested prior to installation.
Councillor Steve Masters added his awareness of all the hard work undertaken by officers on the Policy, in particular the provision for rough sleepers. He asked for his thanks to be passed on. Councillor Cole agreed to do so.
Councillor Masters then turned to the reference made in the Policy to approaching the private sector on the need to increase the social housing stock. He queried whether the Council would consider providing its own housing stock in some form, rather than a reliance on the private sector. Councillor Masters felt that the London Road Industrial Estate (LRIE) was a potential site on which to do so.
In response, Councillor Cole stated that the Council had no standard housing stock. However, the Council continued to look at ways to improve social housing provision. Social and affordable housing would be considered on Council land as sites came forward. This could therefore be a consideration on the LRIE if housing was to be developed on the site.
Councillor Masters then asked if a commitment would be made to undertake an analysis of the cost benefits of social and affordable housing delivery in-house, in comparison to the private sector.
Councillor Cole pointed out that the Council and Sovereign Housing Association had established the Joint Venture which had provided two small affordable housing schemes which would hopefully be expanded. The possibility of forming a housing company was another consideration. The Council would continue to explore all appropriate avenues.
RESOLVED that the revised Housing Allocations Policy, as set out at Appendix A, be adopted and fully implemented when the Housing Department’s ICT allocations system was deployed.
Other options considered:
The option not to review and develop a revised Housing Allocations Policy was dismissed due to changes in legislation and associated statutory guidance and the requirement to ensure that our policies reflect these.
Supporting documents:
7. Housing Allocations Policy adoption report, item 60.
PDF 285 KB
7a. Appendix A - Revised Housing Allocations Policy, item 60.
PDF 639 KB
7b. Appendix B - Summary of Changes to the Housing Allocations Policy, item 60.
PDF 138 KB
7c. Appendix C - Consultation Report, item 60.
PDF 595 KB
7d. Appendix D - Equalities Impact Assessment Stage 2, item 60.
PDF 260 KB
7e. Appendix E - Data Protection Impact Assessment, item 60.
PDF 427 KB