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Agenda item

Vulnerable Children's Grant 19-20 (Michelle Sancho)


Michelle Sancho introduced the report (Agenda Item 11), which provided a review of Vulnerable Children’s Grant (VCF) 2019/20. Michelle Sancho stated that fund was typically reported on the year after the financial year it had been awarded in. Table one on page 90 of the agenda showed an overview of the allocation of the VCF between 2016 and 2020.

Feedback had been sought from schools per individual pupil that had received grant funding and this was detailed from the bottom of page 90 of the report . It was important to note that the evaluation was carried out during the Covid-19 pandemic and therefore the level of feedback was lower than usual. 67% of schools had reported a decrease in their level of worry for a pupil and there had been no reports of increased worry levels. Michelle Sancho reported that the VCF was a well valued fund.

RESOLVED that the Schools’ Forum noted the report.



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