Agenda item
DSG Monitoring 2020/21 Month 10 (Ian Pearson)
Ian Pearson introduced the report which set out the forecast financial position of the services funded by the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG), highlighting any under or over spends, and to highlight the cumulative deficit on the DSG.
Ian Pearson reported that being the month 10 report it was getting close to the end of the financial year and therefore would be fairly accurate. Much of the information contained within the report had been discussed as part of other reports earlier on the agenda, in particular the High Needs and Early Years Blocks. The report set out the in-year position however, the issue was the cumulative deficits in both the High Needs and Early Years Blocks. The aim for deficit recovery was to balance budgets in-year as the first priority and then to recover the deficit with a sensible approach.
RESOLVED that the Schools’ Forum noted the report.
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