Agenda item
Financial Impact of Covid on Schools (Melanie Ellis)
Melanie Ellis introduced the report (Agenda Item 8) that outlined the financial impact of Covid on schools during 2020/21. The report also aimed to explore if any bids to the Primary Schools in Financial Difficulty would be supported.
Melanie Ellis reported that all schools had been written to and asked for statements detailing the impacts faced as a result of Covid both positive and negative.
Melanie Ellis drew attention to 5.1 of the report, which provided detail on primary schools. Overall the unbudgeted costs and lost income were more than offset by cost savings and additional funding received. These were set out in detail under section 5.1 of the report.
The biggest impact from Covid could be seen under section 5.2 of the report for out of hours clubs with a loss of about £492k across maintained primary schools.
The three maintained secondary schools and iCollege had reported a saving as a result of Covid and detail on this could be found under section six of the report. Nursery schools had lost income overall as a result of Covid as detailed in section seven of the report.
Melanie Ellis stated that the report had been to the HFG and would return to the next cycle of meetings once further statements were received from schools.
- A further item on the financial impact of Covid on schools be added to the forward plan for July 2021.
- The Schools’ Forum noted the report.
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