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Agenda item

Schools: Deficit Recovery (Melanie Ellis)


Melanie Ellis introduced the item (Agenda Item 10), which reported on the outturn position of the four schools that set a deficit budget in 2020/21, and also on schools closing 2020/21 with an unlicensed deficit.

Melanie Ellis reported that four schools had a Main School Budget (MSB) licensed deficit in 2020/21, totally £98.4k. Two schools had ended the financial year 2020/21 with an unlicensed deficit and further detail was included under section six of the report.

Melanie Ellis reported that the four schools with MSB licensed deficit had worked very successfully to reduce the deficit. The deficit had been licensed at £98.4k and the final outturn was only £11.9k, which was very positive and an improvement of £86k.

The two schools with unlicensed deficits had originally planned to have a surplus of £21k between them however, had ended with the closing deficit of £44k. Both schools had fallen into deficit due to the impact of Covid, particularly as a result of the impact on out of hours provision.

RESOLVED that the Schools’ Forum noted the report.

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