Agenda item
Delivering the Health and Wellbeing Strategy Q4 2020/21
To provide a summary of progress in delivering the Delivery Plan for the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy during Quarter 4 of 2020/21.
The Chairman outlined progress in delivering the Health and Wellbeing Strategy during Quarter 4 of 2020/21 (Agenda Item 12).
He stated that the previous Strategy and Delivery Plan ended in March 2020, so an Interim Delivery Plan had been prepared. It was noted that the spreadsheet provided a RAG rating for each of the key performance indicators with associated targets. Each had a narrative to provide further detail on performance.
It was noted that performance had been affected by the pandemic, with some initiatives stopped, suspended or deferred, but many actions had still progressed. He highlighted that some of the red rated indicators were only just short of their targets.
The Health and Wellbeing Board Engagement Group had been asked to look at preparing a summary of achievements to be presented at the conference in October alongside the new Strategy and Delivery Plan. The focus would be on outcomes to demonstrate the effectiveness of the Board, its sub-groups and partners.
It was proposed to defer further performance reports until the new Delivery Plan was agreed. Work was ongoing to review which of the existing KPIs should be carried over into the new version of the Delivery Plan.
Alternative tools for tracking and reporting performance would be investigated, and it was noted that the Steering Group would like to see more narrative, since the limited range of KPIs did not reflect the full work of the sub-groups.
The Chairman noted that the Delivery Plan was based on the structure of the existing Sub-Groups and Domestic Abuse targets would go to the Domestic Abuse Board under the new structure. He asked why the Serious Case Review Protocol action sat with the Housing Strategy Group rather than Building Communities Together Partnership. He also noted that Multi-Disciplinary Team meetings appeared as an action for the Engagement Group rather than the Locality Integration Board.
Gordon Oliver suggested that when the spreadsheet had been revised to its current format, some rows may have slipped into the wrong group when cells were merged. Action: Gordon Oliver to review the spreadsheet.
Councillor Martha Vickers highlighted the lack of information under the action ‘Support children and young people at an earlier stage, ensuring they are safe through prevention and early intervention services’ and asked if this was due to Covid. She also asked if the Life Education classes for primary schools would be continuing.
Andy Sharp confirmed that the Life Education classes would continue.
Councillor Lynne Doherty asked for a short update on the Suicide Prevention work. Garry Poulson noted that the indicator around the number of events to raise awareness of suicide was probably the wrong measure. He stated that an outreach worker had been appointed in December and her work had replaced the events. She had done letter-drops of resources and had received good feedback. Also, the West Berkshire Suicide Prevention website had been launched and was now the first hit on local searches. In addition, a suicide prevention training day had been held. He suggested that physical contacts could be made now Covid restrictions were being relaxed.
Councillor Doherty noted that the awareness campaign to promote the sustained employment of people from underrepresented groups had been delayed due to Covid. She felt this should be a priority because of Covid and suggested that it should not be delayed. She indicated that work was ongoing with the Local Enterprise Partnership to help people adapt their skills sets.
Andy Sharp acknowledged the importance of the action and suggested that colleagues from the Skills and Enterprise Partnership (SEP) could be invited to a future meeting of the Board to talk about work being undertaken. Action: SEP representative to be invited to attend a future meeting.
Councillor Rick Jones noted that the (SEP) chairman was the Principal of Newbury College, which had been particularly affected by Covid. He suggested that the action could potentially be reassigned in future.
Resolved that: the performance report be noted.
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