Agenda item
Early Years Block Budget - update on deficit recovery plan (Lisa Potts/Avril Allenby)
Lisa Potts introduced the report (Agenda Item 7), which aimed to update the Forum on the deficit recovery for the Early Years Block.
Lisa Potts reported that the deficit recovery plan incorporated reducing rates for providers and this had come into effect from 1st April 2021.
Lisa Potts highlighted the table under section 3.2 of the report, which showed that there was a planned budget to overspend by £461k in 2019-20 but the final figures showed an overspend of £875k. In 2020-21 there had been a planned budget to overspend by £1.5m however, by the end of the year the actual overspend had reduced to £970k.
Lisa Potts reported that positively for 2021-22 the current forecast deficit position was £787,947 and this was prior to taking in to account the reduction in the rates for providers. It was noted that it was early in the process however, it was hoped that the figure would continue to reduce over the next few years.
RESOLVED that the Schools’ Forum noted the report.
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