Agenda item
Deficit Schools (Melanie Ellis)
Melanie Ellis introduced the report (Agenda Item 12), which provided details of two schools that had submitted deficit budgets for 2021/22 and three which expected to recover their deficit position in 2021/22. There were an additional two schools that ended 2020/21 with unplanned deficits entirely due to the financial impact of Covid-19.
Melanie Ellis reported that the two licensed deficits totally £77k. One of the schools was Inkpen Primary school and Melanie Ellis added that the school had not included an assumption about receiving sparsity funding. If the National Funding Formula sparsity factor was agreed as part of the consultation then this would have a large impact on the school’s deficit. Melanie Ellis reported that the same applied to Beenham Primary School.
Melanie Ellis reported that two schools ended 2020/21 with an unlicensed deficit however, neither were forecasting a deficit going forward.
Ian Pearson commended schools for managing budgets in a very effective way.
RESOLVED that the Schools’ Forum noted the report.
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