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Agenda item

Draft Central Schools Block Budget 2022/23 (Lisa Potts)


Ian Pearson introduced the report (Agenda Item 8), which set out the budget proposal for services funded from the Central Schools’ Services (CSSB) block of the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG).

The purpose of the CSSB was to fund central services provided to schools. As detailed within the table on page 38 under section 4.4 the current year’s budget was £1,017,756 and the budget required in 2022/23 was £984,055, so there was a reduction of about £34k. The budget had overspent in previous years because the Government had reduced it year on year however a balanced budget had been set for 2022/23.

Keith Harvey proposed that the Forum agreed the 2022/23 budget for the CSSB. This was seconded by Chris Prosser. At the vote the motion was carried.

RESOLVED that the Schools’ Forum approved the CSSB budget as recommended in section 2.1 of the report.   

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