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Agenda item

Award of Contract to Build Newbury Sports Hub (EX 4149)



·       to award the call off contract for development management services to Alliance Leisure for the construction of Newbury Sports hub and thereby achieve the delivery of the number one priority in the Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS);

·       to receive an update on the conclusion of negotiations on the Agreement for Lease relating to the Sports Hub; and

·       to review the new 26 week delivery programme based on a successful planning determination in December 2021 and commencement of works in January 2022.


Resolved that the Executive:


·       Award the contract for the provision of development management services (which includes construction) to Alliance Leisure Management Services.

·       Delegate authority to the Service Lead Legal & Democratic Services to finalise the terms of the agreement and to make any necessary drafting or other amendments as permitted under the framework agreement which are necessary to reach final agreement, but do not materially affect the intent and substance of the agreement.

·       Approve the allocation of £3.351M to complete the development of Newbury Sports Hub and thereby achieve the delivery of the number one priority in the Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS).

·       Agree that any additional costs arising in relation to planning conditions be approved as per Council’s Constitution which may require further Executive approval if over £250k.  Otherwise the Executive Director of Resources in consultation with the Portfolio Member for Finance and Economic Development can approve.

·       In light of the increased capital cost for the Artificial Turf Pitch (ATP) and to approve the increase of the annual Sinking Fund allocation from £25,000 to £35,000 per annum, in order to ensure sufficient funds are available to replace the pitch surface at the end of its projected 10 year lifecycle.


This decision is eligible to be ‘called-in’.  However, if the decision has not been ‘called-in’ by 5.00pm on 23rd December 2021, then it will be implemented.




The Portfolio Holder for Internal Governance, Leisure and Culture introduced the report (Agenda item 6).


In response to a query, the Portfolio Holder for Internal Governance, Leisure and Culture stated that officers could perceive no logical grounds for legal challenge of the scheme.


In response to a suggestion to delay the scheme it was clarified that the Hellenic League in which Newbury Football Club played, had agreed that a pitch would be required for July 2022.


In response to a query regarding Sport England’s requirement for a replacement grass pitch at the rugby club, it was clarified that current costings for such a pitch were less than £100,000, but that there may also be a requirement for some additional facilities.


Members made the following comments and observations:

·       Concerns were expressed at the scheme’s perceived low contingency fund of £100,000, bearing in mind the proposed cost of £3.351M;

·       Concerns were expressed that there had been insufficient opportunity for member debate of the proposal; and

·       Concerns were expressed at the legitimacy of a planning decision made in connection with the proposal at the Western Area Planning meeting the preceding evening.


In seconding the report recommendations the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Economic Development commented that it was important to note that Newbury Football Club were in full support of the plan.




1a)   The contract for the provision of development management services (which includes construction) be awarded to Alliance Leisure Management Services.

b)   Authority be delegated to the Service Lead Legal & Democratic Services to finalise the terms of the agreement and to make any necessary drafting or other amendments as permitted under the framework agreement which are necessary to reach final agreement, but do not materially affect the intent and substance of the agreement.


2)   The allocation of £3.351m to complete the development of Newbury Sports Hub and thereby achieve the delivery of the number one priority in Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) be approved.


3)   Agreement be granted that any additional costs arising in relation to planning conditions be approved as per the Council’s Constitution which may require further Executive approval if over £250,000. Otherwise the Executive Director of Resources in consultation with the Portfolio Member for Finance and Economic Development can approve.


4)   In light of the increased capital cost for the Artificial Turf Pitch (ATP) the increase of the annual Sinking Fund allocation from £25,000 to £35,000 per annum be approved, in order to ensure sufficient funds are available to preplace the pitch surface at the end of its projected 10 year lifecycle.


Other options considered: The Council can select not to progress any further with the development. However, selecting this option will mean that the significant under-supply of artificial pitches remains and no alternative replacement exists for the Faraday Road Stadium. This will further delay the redevelopment of the London Road Industrial Estate (LRIE).

Supporting documents: