Agenda item
Health and Wellbeing Strategy Delivery Plan - Progress Report Q3 2022/23
Purpose: To provide the performance dashboard for the delivery of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy Delivery Plan and to highlight any emerging issues.
April Peberdy (Programme Manager) presented the Health and Wellbeing Strategy Delivery Plan Progress Report for Quarter 3 of 2022/23 (Agenda Item 14).
It was requested that the RAG ratings be checked and updated to address any errors / inconsistencies.
The Board noted that the Delivery Plan would be imported into the InPhase project management software, which would allow external partners to enter updates directly.
It was proposed that a task group be set up to review the Delivery Plan and ensure that actions were still relevant and were allocated to the correct bodies. This would comprise the Sub-Group Chairmen and possibly Sarah Webster.
It was noted that the Action Plan was very large.
A question was asked about whether there were enough health visitor resources to deliver Action 2.27. Reassurance was provided that West Berkshire had a good number of health visitors. However, it was recognised that some of the actions in the Delivery Plan that related to children and young people needed to be updated with more comprehensive information. This would be picked up as part of the refresh.
Action: Officers to ensure that more detailed updates are provided for Delivery Plan actions.
In relation to Action 1.6, it was noted that feedback had been provided by a visually impaired customer who had struggled to communicate with the Council, and she had suggested a technology solution.
Action: Officers to confirm what assistive technology the Council used to support customers with sensory impairments.
The low numbers of rough sleepers was welcomed, but it was noted that there were people who were sleeping in their cars. Issues were raised about the need for separate facilities for people with and without complex needs and it was suggested that some people may be avoiding Two Saints due to difficult clients who were housed there.
The Board noted that the actions related to young carers were showing as red. It was highlighted that good progress had been made in this area in the past, but this no longer appeared to be the case. Members asked that this be addressed. It was explained that the Children’s Delivery Group had a new Chairman and they were going to look at their actions as part of the refresh. It was highlighted that it would be easier to keep the Delivery Plan up to date once it was imported to the InPhase project management system.
Action: Officers to follow up on indicators related to young carers and report progress to the next meeting.
a) Receive the report and note the changes to the Delivery Plan;
b) Agree that the Delivery Plan be updated to reflect current priorities;
c) Agree that a small task group be convened to review all actions and targets and ensure they are appropriately allocated to sub-groups of the Health and Wellbeing Board;
d) Note that note the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Delivery Plan will be added to the Council’s InPhase management system and that this work should be complete in time for the Q4 report in July 2023.
Supporting documents:
14. Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Delivery Plan Quarter 3 Update (Covering Report), item 80.
PDF 137 KB
14a. Appendix A - Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Delivery Plan Quarter 3 Update, item 80.
PDF 596 KB