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Agenda item

West Berkshire Vision

Purpose: To present the refreshed West Berkshire Vision 2036 document for approval.


Catalin Bogos (Performance, Research and Consultation Manager) presented the item on the West Berkshire Vision (Agenda Item 9).

The Chairman highlighted current variations in life expectancy within the district, which it was hoped could be minimised. Also, one of the aims of the Vision was to achieve a high healthy life expectancy, which would improve quality of life while reducing health and social care expenditure. Another key statistic was the expected reduction from 4 to 3 working aged people for every retired person in the district by 2036, which raised issues of affordability.

It was noted that some of the commitments set out in the Vision were adjustment of older commitments and it was suggested that new commitments could be highlighted in the document.

Action: Differentiate new and amended commitments in the Vision document.

The Board thanked officers for the work that had gone into updating the Vision.

It was noted that significant progress had been made, which had taken place in the context of the Covid pandemic. However, the importance of setting new ambitions was recognised and the Board welcomed how these were presented.

It was stressed that the Vision had been developed in consultation with residents and it responded to their concerns.

Members highlighted issues around the future housing mix in the context of an ageing population and stressed the need to think creatively about how and where older people will live in future. It was noted that other European countries had thought more about improving access to local facilities.

The Board praised the work of local voluntary sector organisations which would be essential to delivering the Vision.

It was suggested that a more innovative approach was needed with respect to housing, which would require more direct relationships with developers regarding the mix of properties that are built. Only a small proportion of dwellings built since 2020 were affordable homes and young people would move away if they could not afford to buy locally. It was suggested that strategies developed to deliver the vision needed to be honest about the scale of the challenge.

It was highlighted that health should be considered as part of all activities. The fundamentals were for people to have well-paid work and roof over their heads, and it was suggested that there needed to be partnership working with housing associations and private landlords to secure reasonable homes for reasonable rents and to ensure that home are well maintained.

It was noted that the Vision aligned well with Sovereign Housing’s Corporate Plan around delivering innovative solutions for young people and older people. Work was ongoing on developing affordable options for West Berkshire residents. It was also suggested that existing homes needed to be improved / maintained, particularly privately rented homes.

The Board noted that West Berkshire was a low-crime area, but there were still some issues (e.g. substance misuse). It was suggested that the Board might receive a report on tackling substance misuse at a future meeting.

The focus of the Vision on improving attainment in STEAM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) was welcomed. It was recognised that schools would play a vital role in equipping young people with the skills they needed.

Councillor Lynne Doherty proposed that the Board adopt the vision (subject to minor grammatical amendments). This was seconded by the Chairman. At the vote, the motion was carried.

RESOLVED to adopt the vision (subject to minor grammatical amendments). to adopt the vision (subject to minor grammatical amendments).

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