Agenda item
Early Years Block Budget - update on Deficit Recovery Plan (Avril Allenby)
Avril Allenby introduced the report (Agenda Item 11), which set out how the Early Years deficit was progressing.
Prior to the pandemic the deficit in the Early Years Block (EYB) had been looked at and a deficit recovery plan had been put in place over a five year period and included a reduction across rates. The detail on this was set out in the table under section 3.1 of the report. Avril Allenby highlighted that due to the nature of the budget some figures were actual and some were estimates.
Lisa Potts reported that The current position of the EYB was set out in the table under 3.3 of the report. The table showed the amount saved to date based on actual hours for Summer and Autumn 2021 and gave a figure of £70,600. An estimate of £27,898 had also been provided for spring hours within the table based on hours during this period for 2021. The provisional total amount towards the deficit was £98,498. Lisa Potts added that the target figure for year one had been £123,202 however highlighted that the provisional figure was currently based on estimates and some providers were expecting spring hours to be higher.
Avril Allenby reported that there was additional funding coming into early years, which was agreed as part of the spending review. This was detailed under section four of the report. Consideration needed to be given to this locally regarding how it would be transferred through in to the local funding formula bearing the deficit recovery plan in mind. Discussion on this would take place at the Early Years Funding Group.
RESOLVED that the Schools’ Forum noted the report and that a further report would be brought to the next meeting in March 2022, to agree this block.
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