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Agenda item

DSG Monitoring 2021/22 Month 9 (Ian Pearson)


Ian Pearson introduced the report (Agenda Item 14), which reported the forecast financial position of the services funded by the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG), highlighting any under or over spends, and to highlight the cumulative deficit on the DSG.

Ian Pearson commented that the report provided detail on quarter three/period nine. Figures within the report provided detail on the overall position of each of the blocks and this was set out under Table One. Table One showed previous outturn positions and the direction of travel for the current year. The surplus/deficit position detailed was what was forecast at this point of the year and was not a final figure. The deficit/surplus column gave an indication of how each of the blocks was performing against what was previously predicted.  

Ian Pearson stated that it was worth noting that overall deficit within the DSG was a combination of all the blocks, although the majority of the deficit sat within the HNB. There had currently not been a request from DfE to provide a deficit recovery plan against the net DSG deficit.

RESOLVED that the Schools’ Forum noted the report.

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