Agenda item
High Needs Block - Use of funds transferred from Schools Block to HNB 2022-23 (Jane Seymour)
Jane Seymour introduced the report (Agenda Item 9), which set out proposals for use of the funds which would be transferred from the Schools’ Block to the HNB in 2022-23. It had been agreed that 0.25 percent of the Schools’ Block would be transferred to the HNB (£320k). Initial proposals for use of the funding hand been brought to the HFG in January 2022 and it had been requested that further detail be added to the report including potential savings and cost avoidance associated with the proposals.
Jane Seymour went through proposals one, two and five in detail and Michelle Sancho provided detail on proposals three and four under table one in section four of the report. All of the proposals were aimed at providing earlier intervention for children with SEND to remove the need for them to access more acute services including specialist SEND placements. It was reported that a more specific proposal had now been included for SEN in early years and was detailed under proposal number two.
Jacquie Davies asked if the funding going to schools for the purpose of EBSA would be available for the next financial year from April 2022 and it was confirmed by Jane Seymour that all funding was for 2022/23 as a one off amount.
Charlotte Wilson referred to proposal number three regarding the SEMH practitioner and asked if this would be a new post that was being created. Michelle Sancho reported that there was a member of staff who currently carried out some work that was funded through Support Families, which was very specific work and therefore they were not able to work with the broad range of pupils that needed support. Michelle Sancho confirmed that the new post would have to be recruited to.
Chris Prosser proposed that the Forum approve the recommendations under section two of the report and this was seconded by David Ramsden. At the vote the motion was carried.
- The Schools’ Forum agreed the use of funds transferred from the Schools Block to the HNB in the 2022-23 financial year as set out in table one under section four of the report.
- The Schools’ Forum agreed that impact reports should be requested from Local Authority Officers in March 2023 on the projects funded from Schools Block Transfer.
- The Schools’ Forum agreed that impact reports should be requested in October 2022 from secondary schools which have received funds from the HNB for EBSA.
Supporting documents:
- 9 - HNB - Use of Funds transferred from SB to HNB Proposals, item 90. PDF 523 KB
- 9 - Appendix 1 - EDIT, item 90. PDF 125 KB
- 9 - Appendix 2 - SLT proposal for West Berks, item 90. PDF 361 KB
- 9 - Appendix 3 - Schools Block Transfer EBSA, item 90. PDF 128 KB
- 9 - Appendix 4 - EIA, item 90. PDF 209 KB