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Agenda item

Minerals and Waste Local Plan - Main Modifications Consultation (C4182)

To present the Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications to the Minerals and Waste Local Plan (MWLP) and supporting documentation and outline recent advice from Natural England affecting the MWLP examination.  Approval is also sought for the Main Modifications and supporting documents to be subject to public consultation, prior to the Inspector making final recommendations on whether the MWLP can be adopted.


Councillor Tony Linden declared an interest in this item by virtue of the casual work he undertakes at Chieveley Service Station. As his interest was personal and not a prejudicial or a disclosable pecuniary interest, he determined to remain to take part in the debate and vote on the matter.

Councillor Claire Rowles declared an interest in this item by virtue of living alongside the River Lambourn. As her interest was personal and not a prejudicial or a disclosable pecuniary interest, she determined to remain to take part in the debate and vote on the matter.

The Council considered a report (Agenda Item 13) which set out how, following the submission of the West Berkshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan (MWLP) for Independent Examination under Regulation 22 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 in July 2021, and the subsequent examination Hearing Sessions in February 2022, the Inspector had, at the request of the Council, recommended a number of Main Modifications to the plan in order for it to be found sound. The report also presented the Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications to the MWLP and supporting documentation and outlined recent advice from Natural England affecting the MWLP examination. The report also sought approval for the Main Modifications and supporting documents to be subject to public consultation, prior to the Inspector making final recommendations on whether the MWLP can be adopted.


MOTION: Proposed by Councillor Richard Somner and seconded by Councillor Hilary Cole:


“That the Council:

(1)    grants delegated authority to the Service Director (Development and Regulation) to:

(i)     Agree any necessary amendments to supporting documentation for consultation and any other typographical, presentational, and consequential wording changes to the Minerals and Waste Local Plan prior to publication, in consultation with the Portfolio member for Planning, Transport and Countryside.

(ii)    Publish the Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications to the Minerals and Waste Local Plan and supporting documents for a six week period in accordance with the West Berkshire Statement of Community Involvement and Section 20 (7C) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended).

(iii)  Following public consultation on the Proposed Main Modifications, consider and summarise the responses received and forward to the Inspector for consideration.

(2)    agrees that, following the receipt of a favourable report from the Inspector recommending adoption of the Minerals and Waste Local Plan, the Plan be brought back to full Council for adoption.”


Councillor Somner began his presentation by thanking the officers involved for the considerable amount of time and work that had gone in to creating the West Berkshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan. The Plan would provide the planning framework for minerals and waste development in West Berkshire; set out the long term vision for minerals and waste development to 2037, and; set out the policy context for assessing planning applications for minerals and waste development in the district. Councillor Somner confirmed that the Plan would replace all previous policies.


Following the submission of the Plan for independent examination under Regulation 22 of the Town and Country Planning Regulations, and the subsequent examination hearing sessions in February 2022, the Inspector had, at the request of the Council, recommended a number of Main Modifications to the Plan in order for it to be found appropriate.


Councillor Somner set out how the purpose of this report was to agree the present schedule of proposed Main Modifications to the Plan and supporting documentation, and to outline very recent advice from Natural England affecting the Plans examination. Approval was sought from Council for the Main Modifications and supporting documents to be subject to public consultation prior to the Inspector making final recommendations on whether the Plan could be adopted.


Councillor Alan Macro indicated his Group would be supporting this Motion and added his thanks to officers for their work on this.


Councillor Hilary Cole advised that the Minerals and Waste Local Plan was vital to ensure the Council had a sound approach and she hoped the proposed Main Modifications would, following consultation, allow the Inspector to recommend it for adoption. Councillor Cole expressed her personal disappointment at the manner in which the recent advice from Natural England regarding projects and plans affecting protected sites was delivered with no prior notification or consultation. This had resulted in additional detailed work being required of officers and was not the way she expected a quango to communicate with partner agencies.


The Motion was put to the meeting and duly RESOLVED.

Supporting documents: