Agenda item
Appointment of Task Groups
Purpose: To agree Terms of Reference and Membership for any Task and Finish Groups that Overview and Scrutiny Management Commission may wish to appoint to undertake in-depth scrutiny reviews:
(1) Fees and Charges Task and Finish Group - To agree Terms of Reference for a Task and Finish Group to consider further options in relation to charging for West Berkshire Council’s services and the potential to increase levels of income.
(2) Other Task and Finish Groups.
The Chairman stated that OSMC had agreed to set up a Task and Finish Group to look at fees and charges and invited comments on the draft Terms of Reference provided in the agenda.
Councillor Jeff Brooks noted that the focus was on increasing fees and levying additional charges. He felt this was inappropriate during when there was a cost of living crisis, and suggested that this could be picked up by the media. He suggested that the Council should consider reducing its fees and charges where they were found to be higher than other local authorities. He indicated that he was not prepared to vote for the terms of reference in its current form.
Councillor Tony Linden indicated that he was open to reducing fees and charges if appropriate. He acknowledged the need to be sensitive to the points raised by Councillor Brooks, but noted that the Council’s financial situation may be difficult depending on the settlement from Government.
Councillor Abbs suggested that the Terms of Reference should refer to the value of the services provided.
The Chairman agreed that the point of the review should not just be about bringing in more money, but accepted that the wording of the terms of reference could be interpreted in this way. He proposed that the first paragraph should end after ‘…West Berkshire Council services’.
Councillor Abbs indicated that Part 2 should make reference to the value of the new services to be delivered through the new Leisure Strategy.
Councillor Brooks noted that page 124 referred to considering opportunities for new and increased fees and charges and asked that the wording be softened throughout the terms of reference.
It was suggested that OSMC should delegate to the Principal Policy Officer to amend the wording in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman, with the revised wording to be circulated to OSMC Members for comment.
Councillor Claire Rowles noted that the terms of reference referred to increasing fees and charges and identifying additional funding streams throughout. The Chairman suggested that there was nothing wrong with identifying additional revenue streams if they were valid.
It was noted that the terms of reference already made reference to affordability and value for money.
Sarah Clarke highlighted that the original report on fees and charges had suggested a review of:
· new proposals for planning income;
· fee income arising from the Leisure Strategy; and
· other opportunities for commercial charging in the Place Directorate.
She indicated that OSMC could broaden the scope of the review in light of the current economic climate.
Councillor Brooks indicated that the current Terms of Reference included aspects that were not in the original report. He did not think that the objective of this review should be to find more revenue in order to help next year’s budget.
The Chairman stated that OSMC was being proactive in informing the setting of fees and charges for the next financial year and the recommendations may be for increases or decreases, but he hoped they would all be regarded as offering good value for money.
RESOLVED: that OSMC should delegate to the Principal Policy Officer to amend the wording in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman, with the revised wording to be circulated to OSMC Members for comment.
Councillor Linden highlighted the need to consider the timescales for the review and proposed that Joseph Holmes be added to the list of witnesses. The Chairman agreed to liaise with Councillor Linden when making the amendments to the Terms of Reference.
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