Agenda item
Membership of the West Berkshire Health and Wellbeing Board
To agree any changes to Health and Wellbeing Board membership.
The Board noted the current membership, which had been presented at the Annual Meeting of Council on 10 May. The Chairman explained that there was a statutory core membership of the Health and Wellbeing Board, with roles for the Council and CCG. The Leader of the Council appointed four elected members from the administration, and the Liberal Democrats and Green Party each nominated a representative. Other statutory members included the Director of Adult Social Services and Director of Children’s Services (in this case fulfilled by the Executive Director of People), the Director of Public Health and a representative of the Clinical Commissioning Group. All other members were appointed by the Board.
The Chairman suggested that it was a good practice to regularly review and confirm the membership. Members were invited to nominate substitutes if they had not already done so.
Councillor Martha Vickers asked about representation from Sovereign Housing, since she was not aware of them having attended previous meetings. Matthew Hensby confirmed that he regularly attended or sent a deputy.
Councillor Vickers also asked about representation from young people. It was highlighted that young people were represented through the Health and Wellbeing Board’s Steering Group and its Sub-Groups. Councillor Dominic Boeck stressed that his portfolio was solely focused on children and young people. He highlighted that the Council was doing more to engage with this demographic and he indicated that any concerns would be brought to the meeting as appropriate.
It was noted that the CCG was a statutory representative on the Board, but they were due to be replaced by the Integrated Care Board. Dr Abid Irfan had raised this with Catherine Mountford (Director of Governance at the ICB) but had not heard anything since. It was noted that it may be Dr Irfan’s last meeting.
The Chairman observed that the CCG’s role would need to be replaced within existing legislation.
Amanda Lyons indicated that the Health and Care Act had just received Royal Assent and publication was awaited. Also, the DHSC would be providing guidance for Health and Wellbeing Board and this may incorporate advice about changes to membership. It was suggested that a ‘place’ representative from the ICB would be the natural solution and ideally this person would have clinical expertise.
The Chairman thanked Dr Abid Irfan for his contribution as Chairman of the Steering Group and Vice Chairman of the Board and expressed his hope that he would continue in the role.
Addressing Councillor Vickers’ point, Garry Poulson explained that the Volunteer Centre clerked the Special Educational Needs Voluntary Sector Board, which was comprised of organisations that represented children / families’ needs. They also clerked the Children and Young People’s Voluntary Sector Board. Relevant Council officers were invited as necessary. Assurances were given that issues would be raised with the Board as necessary.
Belinda Seston indicated that she would provide details of her new substitute. The Chairman asked Belinda to pass on his thanks to Jo Reeves for her contribution.
The Chairman summarised the changes to the Membership. He welcomed Dr Janet Lippett as the Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust representative and noted that her substitute was Andrew Statham. It was noted that a new Service Director for Communities and Wellbeing had been appointed and Zakyeya would act as substitute until the new person was in post.
The Chairman proposed that the current Membership be approved. This was seconded by Councillor Lynne Doherty. At the vote the Motion was carried.
RESOLVED that the Health and Wellbeing Board Membership be approved.
Councillor Lynne Doherty noted that the employer representative had been a vacant position for some time despite efforts to fill the role. She asked if a different mechanisms would be needed to engage local businesses.
Andrew Sharp indicated that he had approached several organisations, but without success. He felt that businesses did not see what they would get out of attending. He also felt that it was difficult to find someone who could represent the diverse range of businesses in West Berkshire. He suggested that it would be difficult to recruit someone unless the offer changed or it was filled by an association representative.
Garry Poulson suggested that a meeting with an agenda focused on businesses might be more attractive. He highlighted local business breakfast clubs, which could be used to find small businesses representatives.
Councillor Doherty noted that the Economic Development Team had launched a new website (, which could be used to tell businesses about how they could get involved. She also suggested that the Board could go to businesses rather than expecting them to join the Board.
Councillor Doherty proposed that the employer representative be removed from the list of Health and Wellbeing Board Members. The motion was seconded by the Chairman. The indicative vote of those present in the room and those attending remotely was in favour of the motion. At the formal vote, the motion was carried.
RESOLVED that the employer representative be removed from the list of Health and Wellbeing Board Members.
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