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Agenda item

Schools' Forum Membership and Constitution from September 2022 (Jess Bailiss)


Jess Bailiss introduced the report (Agenda Item 5), which aimed to review and where necessary update the membership and Constitution of the School’s forum for 2022/23.

It was reported that there had not been any changes to legislation requiring a change to the Forum’s current practise. Table 1 showed that the number of pupils in each sector had remained broadly the same and therefore no changes were proposed to the structure of the membership at that time.

Section 4.2 of the report detailed Forum members approaching the end of their term of office. Jess Bailiss reported that Jon Hewitt had confirmed that he had consulted his special school colleagues and would continue for the further term as the special school representative. David Ramsden had been approached about consulting other secondary heads to establish whether they wished to appoint him for a further term. Jess Bailiss also added that an election would be held in September 2022 to elect a new primary maintained governor representative to take over from Jonathan Chishick, whose term was also due to end in September. 

Finally it was concluded that some of the wording under the membership section was amended following the last time the constitution came to the Forum in 2021, to clarify and make the section clear.

It was proposed that the Forum approved the membership and the Constitution from September 2022. The Chair invited the Forum to vote on the proposal and at the vote the motion was approved.

RESOLVED that the Forum’s membership and Constitution from September 2022 was approved.  

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