Agenda item
Actions arising from previous meetings
Actions Dec22-Ac1 and Ac2 were in hand or complete.
Dec22-Ac3, Investigation of the Central Schools Services Budget (CSSB) particularly costs for Capita and Copyright Licenses: Lisa Potts reported that they had managed to balance the CSSB. Lisa Potts had checked with Officers regarding the cost for Capita modules to see if they were all required and it had been confirmed that they were all being used by the different departments and were necessary. Regarding Licenses, the costs had been confirmed for 2023/24 and they had risen by ten percent and Lisa Potts would go in to more detail on this under the CSSB report later on the agenda.
Dec22-Ac4, case study data from the Safety Valve and Delivering Better Value (DBV) Programmes and the collation of data from other local authorities on Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) inflation: Jane Seymour reported that she did not yet have any information on the Safety Valve or DBV programmes however, had requested that this be an agenda item on the next South East Regional SEND Leads meeting, which was taking place on 25th January. Jane Seymour hoped that she would have more information in time for the next meeting in March 2023.
Regarding increases in EHCPs in other local authority areas compared to West Berkshire, Jane Seymour reported that she had managed to obtain some data. Between 2017 and 2020 the average national increase in EHCPs was 33 percent. In West Berkshire there was an increase of 14 percent, which was lower than the national average. More up to date information was being sought on this area.
· Jane Seymour would report back to the Forum in March following the South East Regional SEND Lead meeting regarding the Safety Valve and the DBV programmes.
· Jane Seymour to report back to the Forum once more up to date information on the level of EHCPs nationally was obtained.
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