Agenda item
Maintained Secondary De-delegation Proposals (Lisa Potts)
(Charlotte Wilson and Lindsay Wood re-joined the meeting)
Lisa Potts introduced the report (Agenda Item 9), which set out the details, cost and charges to schools of the services on which maintained school representatives were required to vote (on an annual basis). It had not been possible to agree the secondary de-delegation proposals at the last meeting in December 2022 due to there being no secondary representatives present.
The Chair invited the Forum to comment on the recommendation set out in 2.1 of the report: that representatives of maintained secondary schools should agree to de-delegate funds in the 2023/24 financial year for:
· Behaviour Support Services
· Ethnic Minority Support
· Trade Union Representation
· School Improvement
· Statutory and Regulatory Duties comprising:
- Statutory accounting functions in respect of schools
- Internal Audit of schools
- Administration of pensions for school staff
· Health and Safety Service to Schools
It was proposed by Chris Prosser (maintained secondary representative) that the recommendation be approved and at the vote the motion was carried.
- The de-delegations proposals for maintained secondary schools as set out above were approved.
Supporting documents: