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Agenda item

Public Protection Partnership Service Update and Q1 Report for 2022/23

To inform the Committee of the performance of the Public Protection Partnership in line with the operating model and business plan and provide an update setting out performance during the first quarter of 2022/23.


Sean Murphy introduced the report which informed the Committee of the performance of the Public Protection Partnership, in line with the operating model and business plan, and provided an update setting out performance during the first quarter of 2022/23. Sean outlined the following key points:

Finance – the PPP was currently reporting an underspend of £100k. This was predominantly due to staffing vacancies and staff costs being met by Homes for Ukraine funding.

Further information on income streams would be provided at the next meeting.

Staffing – there had been a number of vacancies in the service at the beginning of 2022/23. Some posts had been filled and others had recently gone out to advert (Environmental Health and Animal Health Officers).

Investment in staff was key. Trainees had been recruited. Initially their training would cover all areas, but individuals could then focus on a specialist area.

A ‘grow your own’ approach was also being rolled out. Expressions of interest had been received from seven existing members of staff wanting to develop their knowledge base.

ICT – there was optimism that the single system would be in place by 31 October 2022 and a data transfer to the new system was ongoing.

Accommodation checks – this was an addition to the Work Programme and related to Homes for Ukraine. This included reviews of new accommodation for people from Ukraine who had moved onto new accommodation after their initial six month placement had ended.

Cost of Living – another addition to the Work Programme. The Service had a role in supporting individuals and businesses. This was being worked on across the two local authorities in order to share best practice and offer joint provision.

Engagement events – six very successful events had been held to date and further dates were planned.

Legal – Bracknell Forest and West Berkshire Councils were jointly inspected by the Investigatory Powers Commissioners Office and positive feedback had been reported. A full report would be provided to the Committee.

The report also described recent legal action that had been taken in Bracknell Forest, West Berkshire and Wokingham.

Moira Fraser then provided an update on the format for performance monitoring. This was provided via the new Performance Management Framework agreed last time. In some cases data continued to be collected for new performance measures in order to obtain a full picture. She pointed out that residential and commercial data was now being reported separately. Moira also highlighted that comparisons with previous reports were made difficult by the withdrawal of Wokingham.

Councillor Peter Heydon made reference to a Welfare Steering Group in place in Bracknell Forest and queried if linkages were being made between this and the PPP’s work. Sean Murphy agreed to make contact with the lead officer responsible for the steering group to ensure this was happening. He also advised of a similar group in West Berkshire (a sub-group of the Health and Wellbeing Board).

Councillor Heydon then queried whether the underspend would remain with the service or was there a risk of it being used to offset pressures elsewhere. Sean Murphy clarified that it was for the Committee to determine use of any underspend. A carry forward of funds was agreed from 2021/22 and it was likely that the same would be proposed from this financial year. It was often the case that the Service operated with an underspend.

A typographical error was noted within the report. This was corrected to record the underspend of £100k.

Councillor James Cole praised the many positive aspects of the report. He did however query the time taken to establish the new IT system. Sean Murphy acknowledged that this had been time consuming and the new system was overdue. He was however optimistic that the new single system would be in place by the end of October 2022.

Councillor Cole then queried areas of concern. Sean Murphy considered recruitment to be the highest cause for concern. Staff retention was positive but recruitment was a difficulty which was a national issue. Recruitment efforts were ongoing.

Members were asked to comment on the report format which contained a blend of narrative and data. Members were supportive of the format which provided a comprehensive report.


·         The 2022/23 Quarter One performance for the Public Protection Service be noted.

·         The Service Update be noted.

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