Agenda item
Draft De-delegations 2023/24 (Lisa Potts)
Lisa Potts introduced the report (Agenda Item 7), which set out the details, cost, and charges to schools of the services on which maintained school representatives are required to vote (on an annual basis).
The de-delegation proposals would be discussed in more detail at the next round of meetings following the consultation with schools. The report set out the services that had been de-delegated previously along with costs. Lisa Potts reported however, that costs would need to be updated following the result of the October 2022 census.
Lisa Potts drew attention to the area of school improvement. This had previously been grant funded however, in the current year was part de-delegated and part grant funded. Rather than passing the entire cost to schools in 2023/24, the underspend in the current year had been taken in to account and used to offset costs so that schools were not having to pay the full amount.
It was proposed and seconded that the de-delegation proposals be included with the consultation with all schools. The Chair invited the Schools’ Forum to vote and at the vote the motion was carried.
RESOLVED that the de-delegation proposals would be included in the consultation with all schools.
Supporting documents:
- 7. Dedelegation Proposals 2023-24 SF 17.10.22, item 127. PDF 959 KB
- 7. Appendix J EIA, item 127. PDF 298 KB
- 7. Trade facilities time funding, item 127. PDF 363 KB