Agenda item
West Berkshire Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (including North and East Thatcham Flood Alleviation Scheme)
Purpose: To provide an overview of the West Berkshire Local Flood Risk Management Strategy, outline the Council’s duties and responsibilities under the Flood and Water Management Act, update OSMC on the flood alleviation and drainage works programme, and provide an overview of the North and east Thatcham Flood Alleviation Scheme.
Jon Winstanley (Service Director – Environment) presented the report on the Flood Risk Management Strategy and North and East Thatcham Flood Alleviation Scheme (Agenda Item 12).
Members made the following points:
· Members had been impressed with the schemes that had been delivered.
· There was praise for the contribution to flood risk management of Stuart Clark who had passed away earlier in the year. There was also praise for Carolyn Richardson and other partners involved in the emergency response.
· However, it was suggested that the Council would need to devote greater resources to flood prevention in future. An impending National Infrastructure Forum report would highlight that most properties had a 60% chance of being flooded within the next 30 years (this was a national figure and further work would be needed to understand the local situation).
· Mapping of surface water flooding was improving.
· The Council needed more flood wardens and more local knowledge input to flood risk management planning.
· Ward Members were encouraged to attend their local flood wardens meetings.
· It was suggested that a future OSMC Task and Finish Group could look at the impact of the water cycle on the Council’s activities.
· The Council needed additional staff resources devoted to flood risk management.
· Planning officers and planning committee Members needed better education on the water cycle.
· There was a backlog of maintenance work on sustainable drainage schemes and there was a risk that this responsibility would come to local authorities with no additional funding.
· The government expected that £56 million would need to be spent on flood risk management within the next 20 years.
· Most people did not know what surface water flooding meant, or the risk that they were exposed to, and that risk would only increase over time.
· West Berkshire Council needed to work with the Local Government Association to ensure that the Lead Local Authority Role was properly recognised and resourced.
· A variety of flooding issues had been raised in relation to sites within Basildon Ward. There appeared to be a public perception that local authorities had cut back on gully /drain clearing operations.
· Insurers had highlighted that flood risk was increasing.
· Clarification was sought as to whether the scheme at Blandys Hill was a Council scheme or a Thames Water scheme.
Officers responded to the points made as follows:
· The Council had a good Flood Risk Management Team and a new Team Leader would be appointed in due course.
· There had been a lot of work undertaken in relation to mitigation of surface water flooding, and mapping of flow paths.
· Groundwater also posed a significant risk and this was more difficult to address.
· The Council had been successful in securing funding and had done some good groundwork.
· Strategic flood risk assessments were carried out to inform the Local Plan.
· A Surface Water Management Plan was in place for key flood risk areas.
· The Local Flood Forums would help to identify where future efforts should be focused.
· Rainfall in November had been 210% of the average for the month, which had coincided with the autumn leaves falling and it was suggested that this may have affected the public’s perceptions regarding surface water flooding issues. The Council was responding to requests to clear gullies / drains and budget cuts were not considered to be the issue.
· It was confirmed that Blandys Hill was a West Berkshire Council scheme.
Supporting documents:
- 12. LFRMS, item 39. PDF 369 KB
- 12b. Appendix B - Land Drainage and Flood Risk Works, item 39. PDF 235 KB