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Agenda item

Final Central School Block Budget Proposals 2023/24 (Lisa Potts)


Lisa Potts introduced the report (Agenda Item 7) that set out the budget proposal for services funded from the Central Schools’ Services (CSSB) block of the DSG. Lisa Potts reported that when the report had been brought to the last round of meetings there had been a shortfall in costs compared to the grant that would be allocated to the block. The final grant had now been confirmed and it was slightly higher than originally anticipated. The costs of the Copyright Licenses had also been confirmed.

Lisa Potts reported that the Sports Services recharges had been reviewed along with the split of Capita costs and it had been possible to reduce the costs of both areas. Lisa Potts reported that as a result if had been possible to balance the block for the current year. There was a carry forward against the block from previous years of about £65k. The table under 4.6 of the report showed how the block had been balanced. There was about £1k to put towards the current deficit. 

It was proposed and seconded that the CSSB budget for 2023/24 should be agreed. The Chair invited the Forum to vote on the proposal and at the vote the recommendation was approved.


  • The Schools’ Forum approved the 2023/24 CSSB budget in line with the recommendation in section 2.1 of the report.

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