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Agenda item

2023/24 Service Plan: Public Protection Partnership

To consider the Public Protection Partnership Service Plan for 2023/24.


Sean Murphy introduced the report (Agenda Item 6) which identified the relevant details of the Inter Authority Agreement and set out how the PPP intended to operate through the delivery of the Service Plan.

The report’s foreword was not yet completed and, subject to approval of the Plan, Sean Murphy would finalise this with the Chairman.

The Plan set out progress six years into the existing ten year arrangement. It then outlined future challenges and how those would be met. Sean Murphy highlighted some of the key strategic priorities for the Service:

·         Staffing. Recruitment and retention remained a challenge in some teams. This was being aided by the Workforce Strategy which included a focus on developing existing officers. Vacancies were being filled by agency staff and the service delivered, but this was a costly option.

·         Budget deficit. This had been created by issues including the reconfiguration of the PPP following the exit of Wokingham and a drop in licensing income. A fundamental review of fees and charges would be taking place.

·         New system. The system went live in December 2022 but this was much later than originally planned. It was in the process of being fully embedded. The system would help to assist customers and drive efficiencies.

The PPP had been performing well as evidenced in the performance measures and measures of volume and it was important that this continued for the remainder of the agreement and beyond.

Councillor James Cole proposed amending paragraphs 2.7.1 and 2.7.2 of the report to reflect that there was more than one Licensing Committee.

Councillor Cole asked for clarity on the meaning of point 1.1 of the Workforce Planning Strategy. Sean Murphy responded there was a constantly changing set of priorities which had covered the Covid-19 pandemic, Homes for Ukraine, the cost of living crisis, and damp and mould in houses; and a flexible workforce continued to be required.

Councillor Cole referred to point 1.2.5 and asked why it was considered that the size of the PPP meant that staff would experience extended periods of absence from work. Sean Murphy responded that there were approximately 80 staff within the PPP and therefore it was likely that some staff would be off sick for extended periods from time to time. He added that sickness levels were currently low.

Councillor Cole asked whether the Licencing Team was understaffed if the amount of licencing work was dropping. Sean Murphy responded that there had been an issue in attracting experienced Licencing Officers. Efforts continued as it was necessary to have the full complement of staff without the use of agency workers. It was possible that trainees would move into this specific area of work.

Councillor Cole noted that the Risk Register stated that the controls in place had not reduced the risk of data breaches, and asked for this to be clarified. Sean Murphy responded that he would investigate this further as the controls should result in a lowering of this risk.

RESOLVED that the Service Plan be approved.

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