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Agenda item

Notices of Motion

Please note that the list of Motions is shown under Item 21 in the agenda pack.


The Council considered the under-mentioned Motion (Agenda item 21 refers) submitted in the name of Councillor Jeff Brooks relating to how the Planning Department processed the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

The Chairman informed the Council that the motion would be referred to the Executive for consideration without debate.

MOTION: Proposed by Councillor Brooks and seconded by Councillor Jeremy Cottam.

Councillor Brooks introduced the motion and said he would not be repeating the cases of Mr McCabe and Mrs Dobson except to say that it was not acceptable for Mrs Dobson’s petition to take seven months to get to the Executive. The motion asked for an independent review into the way the Council processed CIL, especially exemptions. The Planning Department state they are handling claims in accordance with Government guidelines. However, he felt that the process being undertaken was too rigid and gave examples of other authorities that had a less rigorous process. He also said that, to his knowledge, West Berkshire was the only council that required the applicant to sign the forms when they were being represented by an agent. He gave examples of how forms had been sent back if the signature was in the wrong box, he felt that the bureaucracy was too heavy handed. Undertaking an internal review would be another example of the Council marking its own homework.

The Council considered the under-mentioned Motion (Agenda item 21 refers) submitted in the name of Councillor Abbs relating to speed limits and ’20 is Plenty’.

The Chairman informed the Council that the motion would be referred to the Transport Advisory Group and the Executive for consideration without debate.

MOTION: Proposed by Councillor Adrian Abbs and seconded by Councillor Pattenden.

Councillor Abbs informed that 20 is Plenty was a national campaign that had some traction especially outside schools. He stated that the Council should get behind the campaign which promoted safety. The motion proposed moving from a maybe response to these requests to a yes. He gave an example of how in 2021 in Newbury a 20 MPH zone had been approved but had not yet been implemented, this was too long. He felt that officers should be asked to develop a workable scheme to be implemented in 2023 if possible with the assumption that the Council would say yes if over 50% of a street petitioned for a speed limit.

The Council considered the under-mentioned Motion (Agenda item 21 refers) submitted in the name of Councillor Carolyne Culver relating to the 2019-2023 Term of Office.

MOTION: Proposed by Councillor Culver and seconded by Councillor Steve Masters;

This was the final full council of the 2019-2023 term of office.

The four years have seen the residents of West Berkshire and the Council rise to many challenges including the Covid 19 pandemic, providing homes for people fleeing war in Ukraine, and the cost of living crisis.

This council resolves:

To thank all Council officers for their service during this term of office.

To thank all emergency workers and volunteers who have supported people through these challenges.

To pay tribute to those we have lost.

To thank all members for their service to the residents of West Berkshire.

To wish all members who are not seeking re-election all the best for the future.

Councillor Culver said that the last four years had seen residents and West Berkshire Council rise to many challenges including the pandemic, providing homes to people fleeing the war in Ukraine and the cost of living crisis. She wanted to thank officers and members for their service as well as pay tribute to those who lost their lives such as Councillor Peter Argyle and officers such as Stuart Clark.

Councillor Culver mentioned a number of teams who had worked especially hard during these years supporting our residents. She also mentioned the number of volunteers throughout the district who had given their time to support residents. Officers had undertaken additional work when they themselves were under pressure with staff vacancies and inadequate resources in some cases. She thanked the councillors who were not seeking re-election for their work, and thanked the Chairman as this was his last meeting before the elections.

Councillor Brooks felt sure that the motion would get cross party support as our officers worked very hard. Councillors did not get elected to do bad things they tried to do something good for their residents. He thanked all non-returning members and wished them all the best in their future endeavours.

Councillor Graham Bridgman was fully supportive of the motion and as an Executive Member he often thanked officers for their hard work. He also mentioned the occasions where there had been cross party work such as the Constitution Review Task Group. He highlighted the work of emergency workers and volunteers during the pandemic and the way communities came together.

Councillor Abbs said that as a new Councillor in 2019 he wished to give thanks for all the support he was given by officers. He highlighted a number of officers that had helped him in his work as a ward councillor.

Councillor Graham Pask reiterated the comments that had been made in support of the motion but also highlighted the much valued work of volunteers in Bucklebury.

Councillor Masters, as seconder to the motion, was pleased to see the cross party support and highlighted a number of teams for their good work, such as those who had supported rough sleepers during the pandemic.

The Motion was put to the vote and duly RESOLVED.



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