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Agenda item

Resourced School Funding (Jane Seymour)


(Reverend Mark Bennet, Michelle Harrison and Lindsay Wood left the meeting at 17:30)

Jane Seymour introduced the report (Agenda Item 7), which presented a possible new funding model for Physical Disability resourced provisions at Kennet and Speenhamland and the Hearing Impaired resourced provision at Westwood Farm.  

Jane Seymour explained that in the 2022/23 financial year resourced schools had flagged to the Local Authority (LA) that they had concerns about budgets meeting need. It had become a particular theme. However, focus had been given to the particular provisions where there was the greatest financial challenges and deficit positions.

Jane Seymour explained that the funding model and banding values had not changed for resourced provision for approximately ten years.

The report proposed a new funding model for consideration for the three resourced schools. Jane Seymour highlighted that when the funding models were reviewed it was felt that the staffing ratios on which the funding bands were based continued to be appropriate and were based on national guidance. More detail on this area was included under section 5.1 of the report. The main issue seemed to be that the banding values had not been increased despite rising costs.

Section 5.3 of the report set out how the band values would change if the proposal was approved and 5.4 set out an estimate of additional costs that would be generated in 2023/24 for the three resourced schools. Jane Seymour explained that in addition the three schools had asked for assistance with their deficits, which were set out in section 5.7 of the report. It was proposed that where a deficit came within the amount that the new model would generate, this be paid in full and if the deficit exceeded the amount generated by the proposed model then it should be capped. The payments for deficits that would result if this was agreed were set out under section 5.9 of the report.

Jane Seymour reported the funding for the resourced schools and addressing the deficits would be an additional pressure on the High Needs Block (HNB) however, believed they would still be in a position where the unit cost for a place was very cost effective compared to alternatives in the independent specialist sector.

The Forum proposed and seconded that the recommendations set out in the report be approved. At the vote the proposal was carried.

RESOLVED that the Schools’ Forum agreed that the revised funding model set out in the report was approved and agreed to the payments of deficit for 2022-23 as set out in section 5.9 of the report.

(Reverend Mark Bennet, Michelle Harrison and Lindsay Wood re-joined the meeting at 17:40)

The Chair referred back to agenda item four and asked Jane Seymour to provide an update on Action Mar23-Ac2 regarding the number of additional placements between the previous two reports on the High Needs Block. Jane Seymour confirmed that there had been two additional placements.   

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