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Agenda item

Application No. and Parish: 22/02945/REG4, Francis Baily Primary School

Proposal: Proposed phased development which involves erection of a new single storey teaching block in a new location followed by the demolition of the existing single storey teaching block.


Location: , Francis Baily Primary School, Skillman Drive


West Berkshire

RG19 4GG


Applicant: Francis Baily Primary School.


Recommendation: The Service Director Development and Regulation be authorised to grant planning permission subject to conditions




Item starts at 3 hours and 8 minutes into the recording.

Continuation of meeting

45.  In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Part 3, paragraph 10.8, the Committee supported the Chairman’s motion that the remaining business could be concluded by 22.30, and therefore continued with Agenda Item 4(3) and Agenda Item 4(4).

46.  The Committee considered a report (Agenda Item 4(3)) concerning Planning Application 22/02945/REG4 in respect of Francis Baily Primary School, Skillman Drive, Thatcham, West Berkshire, RG19 4GG in respect of a Proposed phased development which involves erection of a new single storey teaching block in a new location followed by the demolition of the existing single storey teaching block.

47.  Mr Patrick Haran introduced the report to Members, which took account of all the relevant policy considerations and other material planning considerations. In conclusion the report detailed that the proposal was acceptable in planning terms and officers recommended that the Service Director of Development and Regulation be authorised to grant planning permission, subject to the conditions outlined in the main and update reports.

48.  Mr Goddard explained that the application would result in an extra 70 square metres of school building, however this would not lead to an increase in traffic.

49.  In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Simon Pike, Thatcham Town Council representative, addressed the Committee on this application.

Town Council Representation

50.  Mr Pike in addressing the Committee raised the following points:

·         The classrooms were desperately needed; however, the application was not in keeping with Thatcham Town Council’s environmental policy.

Member Questions to the Parish/Town Council

51.  Members did not have any questions of clarification.

Member Questions to Officers

52.  The Committee heard that the extra square footage added by the application was to improve the existing facilities and not to accommodate more students.


53.  Councillor Cottam opened the debate by stating that the funding might not be available for the building to be environmentally friendly, butthat this would see an increase in efficiency and quality for the school.

54.  Councillor Pemberton argued that the environmental impact of the building would not be down to the applicant, but the lack of funding. The Councillor explained that the existing building was not fit for purpose and the school needed improvement.

55.  Councillor Cottam proposed to accept the Officer’s recommendation and grant planning permission subject to the conditions listed in the main report and update report. This was seconded by Councillor Langford.

56.  The Chairman invited Members of the Committee to vote on the proposal by Councillor Cottam, seconded by Councillor Langford, to grant planning permission. At the vote the motion was carried.

RESOLVED that the Service Director for Development and Regulation be authorised to grant planning permission subject to the following conditions:


1. Commencement of development: The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

Reason: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004).


2. Approved plans: The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans and documents listed below:

DRWG 0589-PL-11 Site Location Plan & Existing Block Plan recd 30.11.2022

DRWG 0589-PL-12 REVA Block Replacement Existing Floor Plans & Elevations recd 10.01.2023

DRWG 0589-PL-13 REVB Block Replacement Proposed Floor Plans, Elevations recd 10.02.2023

Construction Method Statement ref: ACA 125 Issue 4 by Quill Construction dated 12.05.2023 recd 12.05.2023

Design and Access Statement ref: 0589 by Academy Estate Consultants dated 17.05.2022 recd 30.11.2022

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interest of proper planning.


3 Sustainable Drainage: No development shall commence until details of sustainable drainage methods (SuDS) to be implemented within the site have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The planning, design and implementation of sustainable drainage methods (SuDS) should be carried out in accordance with the Non-Statutory Technical Standards for SuDS (2015), the SuDS Manual C753 (2015) and the West Berkshire Council Sustainable Drainage Supplementary Planning Document December (2018) with particular emphasis on green SuDS that provide environmental/biodiversity benefits and water re-use. Thereafter the development shall be carried out and maintained in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: To ensure appropriate sustainable drainage measure, in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework, and Policy CS15 of the West Berkshire Core Strategy 2006-2026. A pre-commencement condition is required because insufficient information accompanies the application and such measures may need to be incorporated into early building operations.


4 Arboricultural Method Statement: No development or other operations shall commence on site until an arboricultural method statement has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and shall include details of the implementation, supervision and

monitoring of:

·         all temporary tree protection (including ground protection)

·         any special construction works within any defined tree protection area.

All temporary tree protection shall be in place prior to any development works and all measures implemented for the full duration of works.


Reason: To ensure the retention and protection of trees identified at the site in accordance with the NPPF and Policies ADPP1, CS14, CS17, CS18 and CS19 of the West Berkshire Core Strategy 2006-2026.


5 Soft Landscaping: The new classroom as shown on Replacement Proposed Floor Plans, Elevations & Block Plan drawing number 0589-PL-13 received 30.11.2022 shall not be first occupied until a detailed soft landscaping scheme has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The soft landscaping scheme shall include detailed plans, planting and retention schedule, programme of works, and any other supporting information. All soft landscaping works shall be completed in accordance with the approved soft landscaping scheme within the first planting season following completion of building operations. Any trees, shrubs, plants or hedges planted in accordance with the approved scheme which are removed, die, or become diseased or become seriously damaged within five years of completion of this completion of the approved soft landscaping scheme shall be replaced within the next planting season by trees, shrubs or hedges of a similar size and species to that originally approved.

Reason: Landscaping is an integral element of achieving high quality design. This condition is applied in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework, Policies CS14 and CS19 of the West Berkshire Core Strategy (2006-2026), and the Quality Design SPD.


6 Construction Method Statement:  The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the approved Construction Method Statement ref: ACA 125 Issue 4 by Quill Construction dated 12.05.2023 received 12.05.2023 and site set-up plan.


Reason: To safeguard the amenity of adjoining land uses and occupiers and in the interests of highway safety. This condition is imposed in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework, Policies CS13 and CS14 of the West Berkshire Core Strategy (2006-2026) and Policies OVS5, OVS6 and TRANS 1 of the West Berkshire District Local Plan 1991-2006 (Saved Policies 2007).


7 Materials: The materials to be used in the development hereby permitted shall be as specified on the plans and the application forms. Where stated that materials shall match the existing, those materials shall match those on the existing development in colour, size and texture.


Reason: To ensure that the external materials respect the character and appearance of the area. This condition is applied in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework, Policies CS14 and CS19 of the West Berkshire Core Strategy (2006-2026), and Supplementary Planning Document Quality Design (June 2006).


8 Demolition: The original classroom block shown on plan named Block Replacement Existing Floor Plans & Elevations drawing number 0589-PL-12 rev A received 10.01.2023 shall be demolished and all spoil removed from the site within two months from first occupation of replacement class room shown on plan Block Replacement Proposed Floor Plans, Elevations & Block Plan drawing number 0589-PL-13 REVB received 10.02.2023 unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To ensure the original classroom is demolished within a reasonable timescale following completion of the replacement classroom in order to prevent the overdevelopment of the site. The retention of two classroom blocks in this location would be unacceptable because the original classroom is not fit for purpose and the buildings would have an unacceptable impact on the amenities of the occupiers of both buildings. This condition is applied in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework, Policies CS14 and CS19 of the West Berkshire Core Strategy (2006-2026), and the Quality Design SPD.


9 Implementation of One Permission: The development to which this planning permission relates shall not commence if any part of the development for which planning permission was granted by the Local Planning Authority on 07.07.2023 under application reference 22/02533/REG4 and/or pursuant to planning application reference no. 22/01273/REG4 made on 06.09.2022 has already commenced.


Reason: The implementation of both schemes together with the granted scheme would be unacceptable because retention of two classrooms in this location would be unacceptable because the buildings would have an unacceptable impact on the amenities of the occupiers of both buildings. This condition is applied in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework, Policies CS14 and CS19 of the West Berkshire Core Strategy (2006-2026), and the Quality Design SPD.


Supporting documents: