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Agenda item


To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of this Committee held on 20th September 2023.


The Minutes of the meeting held on 20th September 2023 were approved as a true and correct record and signed by the Chairman subject to the inclusion of the following amendments:

·       Page 10, point 13: Councillor Codling to be referred to as ‘she’.

·       Page 15, point 14 under the Debate to be corrected to ‘Councillor Codling’.

·       Page 15, second bullet point from the top to read as follows: The ecology ‘report’.

·       Page 15, point under the Debate to read as follows: Councillor Gaines mentioned that there had been a lot of concern raised about the septic tank and bore hole, but they were not planning matters.

·       Item 4(2), 23/01686/FUL, Orchard Day Nursery, Everington Bungalow, Yattendon: Councillor Carolyne Culver recalled that it had been agreed that informatives should be added regarding the septic tank and bridge.

The Chairman voiced his concern with signing the minutes given the level of errors. The video evidence would need to be checked to see if what had been raised by Councillor Culver was correct.(Democratic Services have reviewed the recording from the meeting that took place on 20th September and can confirm it was agreed that the Construction Method Statement be an additional condition with bridge improvements to aid access named as part of that. Additional Informatives were also agreed in relation to the bore hole and septic tank.)


Mr Till believed that the decision notice for the item had been issued. Mrs Sharon Armour suggested that the points be noted in the current minutes and Officers would need to check the decision notice and report back to the Committee on whether the informatives had been included. The Chairman raised his discontent with what was a substantial error. Mrs Armour clarified that there was uncertainty as to whether an error had been made.

·       Item 4(2), 23/01686/FUL, Orchard Day Nursery, Everington Bungalow, Yattendon: Councillor Howard Woollaston believed that the condition had been agreed to allow ten years for tree planting and screening. The proposed consent had detailed only five years and Councillor Woollaston reported that he had queried this with Officers at the time and asked for confirmation that this had been changed to ten. Mr Till stated that he would check this point and report back to Committee.

The Chairman raised concern that there were two substantive issues with the minutes. Mrs Armour concurred with concerns regarding the condition and advised that any possible inaccuracies would be noted in these minutes. The decision notice needed to be checked and, if an error had occurred, Officers would need to look in to changing the decision using the appropriate mechanism.


·       Officers would check the recording and decision notice for Item 4(2) 23/01686, Orchard Day Nursery, Everington Bungalow, Yattendon, and report back to the Committee on whether the informatives concerning the septic tank and bridge had been agreed and if these had been included in the issued decision notice. 

·       Officers would check the recording and decision notice for Item 4(2) 23/01686, Orchard Day Nursery, Everington Bungalow, Yattendon, and report back to the Committee on whether a condition had been included that increased the time allowed for tree planting and screening to ten years.

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