Agenda item
Application No. and Parish: 23/00642/FUL, Cuckoo Copse, Lambourn Woodlands. Lambourn Parish
- Meeting of Western Area Planning Committee, Wednesday 20 September 2023 6.30 pm (Item 7.(1))
- View the background to item 7.(1)
Proposal: |
Retrospective Two new storage bays utilising existing containers. To be used to house machinery and provide weather proof cover for existing items within the yard. |
Location: |
Martin Collins Enterprises Ltd, Cuckoo Copse, Lambourn Woodlands, Hungerford, RG17 7TJ. |
Applicant: |
Martin Collins Enterprises Ltd |
Recommendation: |
To delegate to the Development Control Manager to GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION subject to the conditions listed below. |
Councillor Howard Woolaston declared an interest in Agenda Item 4(1) as it related to his ward.
Item starts at 8 minutes and 7 seconds into the recording.
1. The Committee considered a report (Agenda Item 4(1)) concerning Planning Application 23/00642/FUL in respect of retrospective a two new storage bays utilising existing containers. To be used to house machinery and provide weatherproof cover for existing items within the yard. Martin Collins Enterprises Ltd, Cuckoo Copse, Lambourn Woodlands, Hungerford,
2. Mr Matthew Shepherd introduced the report to Members, which took account of all the relevant policy considerations and other material planning considerations. In conclusion the report detailed that the proposal was acceptable in planning terms and officers recommended that the Head of Planning and Development be authorised to grant planning permission subject to the conditions outlined in the main and update reports.
3. In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Chris Harris Lambourn Parish Council representative, Bridget Jones, objector, addressed the Committee on this application.
Parish/Town Council Representation
4. Chris Harris had informed that the Parish Council had submitted a request for him to speak, the officers had no record of such request but as Members could recall at the site visit that the Parish Council had said they would be speaking, the Committee voted and resolved to allow Chis Harris to speak.
In addressing the Committee Chis Harris raised the following points:
· It was yet another retrospective planning application and he highlighted the sites planning history.
· The Parish Council objected the application.
· The Membury business area had a history of anti-social behaviour.
· The height of the construction was too high and impacted the local amenities.
· If a planning application had been submitted, then the issues could have been resolved via consultation.
· The structures were temporary and thus could be moved to a more suitable location on the site.
Objector Representation
5. Bridget Jones in addressing the Committee raised the following points:
· Since she moved into the area in 2012 there had been many changes that had impacted on the quality of live for residents. Local residents tried to discuss any issues with businesses and Mr Collins had previously been responsive. This had not happened with this development.
· The construction could be seen from the driveway. It was a 26 foot structure that dominated the site.
· There was a history in the area of retrospective planning applications being accepted.
· Her view would be interrupted for up to 6 months of the year and local trees in the area were dying, she wanted samples to see if this was due to water runoff from the construction.
· The report said the containers were already on site, but they were in a different location.
· There seemed to be one rule for businesses and another for residents when it came to planning matters.
· She did not object to the construction but to its location and the impact of water drainage was having on local trees and flooding the front of her property.
Member Questions to the Objector
6. Members asked questions of the objector and were given the following responses:
7. The site was large and there was space to move the construction which would minimise its impact.
8. The Committee were informed that just today with the bad weather there had been water runoff into her driveway and that this was not an isolated instance.
Ward Member Representation
9. Councillor Howard Woollaston in addressing the Committee raised the following points:
· The applicant was a well-respected employer.
· This committee did not like retrospective applications, also the structure could have been located at a better position on the site.
· As winter approached the visual impact would become more apparent.
· He recommended either refusal of the application or amendments to the recommendation.
Member Questions to the Ward Member
10. Members asked questions of the Ward Member and were given the following responses:
· He had not had a discussion with the applicant about the possibility of moving the construction to an alternative location on site.
· Replacing the dying trees with new trees would be beneficial in screening the site.
· The site was large enough to move the structures to another position.
Member Questions to Officers
11. Members asked questions of the Officers and were given the following responses:
· The structures were below the exiting tree line, was within existing boundaries, had limited impact from the public footpath and had limited impact on the AONB.
· There was no impact on the quality of life of the surrounding area.
· The ground was an existing gravel site.
· Although the structures could be moved the application was for a permanent fixture.
· The neighbouring property may have flooding in bad weather prior to the construction on the site.
· Officers did not consider the proposed location as harmful therefore there had been no discussion about alternative locations on site.
· The tree officer had not indicated that there was any evidence that the structure had contributed to the death if trees.
· There was a standard condition regarding to SUDS.
12. The Chairman opened the debate by reminding members that although the Committee did not like retrospective planning applications they needed to focus on the application before them.
13. Councillor Codling mentioned that he had been on the site visit and understood the objector’s concerns. He was not convinced that the structure should be moved as it was in the logical position on the site. He recommended that if it was possible that there should be a condition that the colour of the structure should remain as it was and that appropriate trees should be planted to provide year-round coverage.
14. Councillor Gaines said that as a substitute she visited the site today and could see the containers through the gates. She approved the possible condition of having evergreen trees.
15. Councillor Culver said that given how high the structure was she was concerned how any new tree planted as part of a condition would take to grow. She was also concerned about water run off and flooding.
16. Councillor Wollaston suggested that if approved a condition should be added about maintaining tree coverage.
17. Councillor Woollaston proposed refusal of officer recommendations and was seconded by Councillor Culver.
The Motion was put to the vote and rejected.
18. Councillor Codling proposed to accept Officer’s recommendation and grant planning permission subject to the conditions listed in the main report and update report with the addition of tree screening to be supplied within three months and the decision delegated to the tree officer and that the colour of the structures should remain green to reduce the impact on amenities. This was seconded by Councillor Gaines.
19. The Chairman invited Members of the Committee to vote on the proposal by Councillor Codling, seconded by Councillor Gaines to grant retrospective planning permission. At the vote the motion was carried.
RESOLVED that the Service Director for Development Control Manager be authorised to grant planning permission subject to the following conditions:
No condition on commencement is needed as the development is retrospective in nature.
1. |
Approved plans The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans and documents listed below:
Site Location & Block Plans. Drawing number P4337.100 Proposed Plans & Elevations. Drawing number P4337.01
Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interest of proper planning.
2. |
SUDS Incorporated into the Scheme
The development of the site shall incorporate sustainable drainage techniques. These shall ensure that all surface water is contained within the site and that no surface water is directed to existing highway drains nor existing water courses unless through controlled attenuation. The sustainable drainage methods shall be maintained and operated in good working order in perpetuity.
Reason: To ensure that the development does not create unsustainable surface water run-off or adversely affects important areas of bio and geo diversity in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy CS16 and CS17 of the West Berkshire Core Strategy 2006 - 2026.
3. |
Use restriction
The development hereby approved shall be used for storage of equipment associated solely with the existing business on site and for no other purposes or business.
Reason: It is considered necessary to restrict the use of the storage to the established business on site as it would be compatible with the existing use of the site to the benefit of the rural economy. This use would be considered compatibly with the site and the surrounding uses. This condition is recommended in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework and ADPP1, CS9, CS10 of the West Berkshire Core Strategy 2006-2026
1. |
This decision has been made in a positive way to foster the delivery of sustainable development having regard to Development Plan policies and available guidance to secure high quality appropriate development. In this application whilst there has been a need to balance conflicting considerations, the local planning authority has secured and accepted what is considered to be a development which improves the economic, social and environmental conditions of the area. |
2. |
SUDS Informative Advice for the Applicant
We would hope that consideration would be given to the use of SuDS features that provide a control of rainfall at source. This may include features such as water butts, rain gardens/ raised planters where a small volume of runoff would be contained for use in local irrigation. For more information on SuDS features, reference should be made to PolicyCS16 of the West Berkshire Core Strategy (2006-2026) and Supplementary Planning Document – Sustainable Drainage Systems (2018). Reference should also be made to the Environment Agency Standing Advice. Further information regarding SuDS can be found in C753 The SuDS Manual which is available for free online. We do not advise infiltration devices in areas where Clay is the underlying geology. To establish the underlying bedrock geology, reference should be made to the British Geological Survey (BGS) website. Where soakaways are to be used please carry out an infiltration test prior to construction, investigate groundwater levels and always ensure there is an alternative to discharge surface water runoff from the site (i.e. connection to a watercourse, or surface water sewer) when conceptualising the proposal.
The Chairman mentioned that the problems with traffic in and around Membury did need to be looked at.
Supporting documents:
- 1. 23-00642-FUL Martin Collins Enterprises Ltd, item 7.(1) PDF 477 KB
- 1a. 23-00642-FUL Map, item 7.(1) PDF 2 MB
- 1. 23-00642-FUL Martin Collins Enterprises Update Report, item 7.(1) PDF 60 KB