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Agenda item

Financial Problems and Mental Health

To provide an update version of the report from the Mental Health Action Group as part of its work in addressing elements of the delivery plan for the West Berkshire Health and Wellbeing Strategy. This work involves the impact of personal financial problems on people’s mental health.


Adrian Barker (Mental Health Action Group Chairman) presented the report on Financial Problems and Mental Health (Agenda Item 11).

It was highlighted that there had been a discussion at the Joint Public Protection Partnership around fraud. The service delivered 12 areas of prevention work. One concern highlighted at the meeting was around young people being exploited by money lenders through social media, which could be a gateway to county lines. Also, there was evidence of artificial intelligence being used to persuade people to part with their money by mimicking influencers. The Public Protection Service had been asked to engage proactively on social media to flag posts that had been confirmed as not genuine. It was suggested that this could be included within the report’s proposals.

It was noted that the voluntary sector was working across a number of programmes with the Berkshire Healthcare Foundation Trust and the Mental Health Action Group. There was concern that different organisations were trying to reach out to the same people, and it was suggested that there should be better coordination. It was suggested that the Berkshire West Programme Board may help to address this.

Action: Helen Clark to give further consideration to the potential for improved coordination and discuss this with relevant parties.

It was suggested that the Scrutiny Commission may wish to consider issues around debt recovery and the Council Tax Reduction Scheme. The report suggested a half day workshop to look at issues around debt recovery and to share experience.

The Board welcomed the report’s proposal, particularly around young people and schools, where prevention activities were key. The impact of fraud on victims was highlighted. Testimony through victim impact statements demonstrated that the effects of fraud could be life-changing - some people never recovered from the impacts on their physical and mental health.

The connection between finance and housing was highlighted, and the availability and affordability of housing. The Public Protection Service was seeing examples of overcrowding and the negative impacts on health.

Action: Sean Murphy to review how the Public Protection Service could be involved in delivery of targets identified in the report.

A question was asked about whether the Public Protection Services was signposting people to sources of mental health support, and about opportunities for closer working with the Public Health Team. It was confirmed that a small victim support service had been retained, and the Service also made safeguarding referrals. It was suggested that additional training could be provided around mental health services.

Action: Sean Murphy and April Peberdy to discuss additional training for Public Protection staff around mental health services.


(a)           To note progress made against achievement of the original proposals.

(b)           In relation to Proposal 4:

·       To commit to supporting the Community Mental Health Transformation Programme to help make it a success, including leading by example in supporting the programme, encouraging its partner members to engage productively with it and receiving progress reports on the implementation as appropriate.

·       To support the ICB’s objectives in the Joint Forward Plan and its service delivery plan to continue developing the community mental health framework, build GP led integrated neighbourhood teams and develop the estates strategies, including ‘participation in work public estate initiatives’, to achieve the objectives.

(c)           In relation to Proposal 5.4:

·       To request that the Berkshire Healthcare representation provides a response to the original proposal.

(d)           In relation to Proposal 10:

·       To support the work on fraud prevention and that partner organisations spread appropriate messages and links to resources where possible.

(e)           To ask the Scrutiny Commission to review issues around debt recovery and the Council Tax Reduction Scheme.

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