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Agenda item

Revenue Budget 2024/25 including Proposed Fees and Charges Schedule (JPPC4252)

To set out the Public Protection Partnership’s (PPP) draft revenue budget for 2024/25, including discretionary fees and charges for 2024/25.

To seek approval for the draft budget and draft fees and charges schedule prior to submission to Bracknell Forest and West Berkshire Councils as part of their budget setting process in accordance with the Inter-Authority Agreement (IAA).

To agree the figure for the basis of the recharge to Wokingham Borough Council with respect to the services jointly Wokingham Borough Council under the shared service agreement effective on the 1st April 2022.


The Committee considered the report (Agenda Item 10) which set out the Public Protection Partnership’s (PPP) draft revenue budget for 2024/25, including discretionary fees and charges.

The report sought approval of the draft budget and the draft fees and charges schedule prior to submission to Bracknell Forest and West Berkshire Councils as part of their budget setting process in accordance with the Inter-Authority Agreement (IAA).

The report also sought agreement of the figure for the basis of the recharge to Wokingham Borough Council with respect to the services they bought into.

Sean Murphy explained that a number of pressures had developed in the last couple of years. He particularly highlighted Wokingham’s departure from the PPP, although this was partially offset by a degree of buy back, and a loss of income. These amounted to pressures of £291k and £98k respectively in 2024/25. It was hoped that the income pressure could be reduced moving into next year.

Preparation work had been undertaken to try and meet pressures. For example, holding posts vacant where this was possible.

The table provided below outlined the proposed revenue budget for 2024/25 inclusive of pressures (from paragraph 5.23 of the report):









Base Budget


Wokingham Salary


Investment Bid

Income Pressure

Total Budget


Bracknell Forest






West Berkshire












Total Budget 2024/25







Endorsement was sought of the base budget column. If endorsed, officers would look to bridge the shortfall before submitting a proposed budget to the councils. Councillor Dillon requested an update on this at the December meeting.

In response to a query from Councillor Nick Allen, Sean Murphy explained that while Wokingham left the Service in 2022, they had rejoined via a new shared service agreement for some areas. A contribution from Wokingham was therefore included in the budget.

Turning to fees and charges, Sean Murphy advised that an inflationary rise of 6.7% had been applied to discretionary fees. A consultation exercise would follow on statutory fees alongside wider consultation by the local authorities.

Councillor Kandy Jefferies understood that statutory fees had not been raised since 2011. Damian James confirmed that these were mandatory fees which were well behind inflation. He felt that an increase in the fees was something the Committee could lobby the Government on.

Councillor Jefferies proposed this lobbying action be taken. This was seconded by Councillor Dillon and agreed by the Committee.

Clare Lawrence agreed this action would be undertaken but added that she would also raise this as a potential action in conjunction with the other Berkshire unitaries. Councillor Dillon would do so via the Berkshire Leaders Group.

Moira Fraser confirmed that the amendments made to the reissued fees and charges document were relatively minor. One was to correctly include a formula and the other related to fees for hairdressers.


·         The draft revenue budget, including the fees and charges, had been considered.

·         The contributions set out in column three of the table at 5.23 be recommended to partner Councils to form the basis of the 2024/25 net revenue budget contributions.

·         The pressures set out in columns four and five in the table at 5.23 be noted.

·         The fees and charges set out in Appendix A be approved for consultation.

·         The contribution request from Wokingham Borough Council be approved as set out in column three of 5.23.

·         The policy position in relation to monies received under the Asset Recovery Incentivisation Scheme (approved by the JPPC on 14 March 2017) would remain the policy to be applied to spend/allocate any monies received under the scheme.

Supporting documents: