Agenda item
Licensing Fees and Charges 2024/25 Report
Purpose: To consider the proposals for the statutory consultation associated with the fees and charges for private hire operator, and hackney carriage and private hire vehicle licence fees and to note the remainder of the fees and charges for the Public Protection Partnership.
The Committee considered a report (Agenda Item 5) concerning the Licensing Fees and Charges 2024/25 Report. Ms Fraser introduced the report.
Councillor Stephanie Steevenson suggested that the Chairman include in his letter to Parliament that the licensing fees increased in line with planning fees.
Councillor Nick Carter explained that due to the increase in 20 mph zones taxis were incurring higher fuel costs and asked whether this had been considered when setting fees. Ms Fraser stated that the licensing fees were based on a cost recovery basis for the cost to the Council to issue the license. Ms Fraser mentioned that the Council was aware of the cost issues facing drivers, however the issue with the 20 mph zones had not been brought up by the trade. This was something that could be looked at should the trade decide to submit a business case to amend the fares.
Councillor Vickers expressed her belief that posting public notices within the Newbury Weekly News and Reading Chronicle was not worth the expense.
The Chairman stated that the Committee was required to post the public notice in at least one paper. As the Newbury Weekly News was the less expensive option he proposed that only one public notice be placed this year.
Councillor Dick supported the use of one newspaper for the public notice and was supportive of the fee increases, whilst encouraging the Council to be competitive with the surrounding Local Authorities.
Councillor Langford questioned whether the price for the scrap metal license could be increased as it had not been for a while and whether the impact of global warming had been considered into the fees. Ms Fraser explained that the fees could not be increased to gain a profit and could only be in line with cost recovery.
Councillor Taylor asked what the response rate from the public notices were and Ms Fraser stated that it was probably close to zero as most residents did not look at the public notices. The vast majority of responses came from the trade who were written to directly or from the consultation placed on the PPP and West Berkshire Council websites.
Councillor Steevenson asked whether safeguarding training for new drivers could be delivered by the Council. Ms Fraser answered that this was a process the Council was looking to bring in house in partnership with the social care teams to save cost and enable a new source of income.
Councillor Dick proposed the recommendations in the report with an alteration to 4.12, b), with only the Newbury Weekly News receiving the public notice, which was seconded by Councillor Vickers.
The Committee RESOLVED that:
· The fees for Private Hire Operators and Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicle licence fees are subjected to the statutory consultation period as described in paragraph 4.12.
a) the fees for Private Hire Operators and Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicle licence fees are subjected to the statutory consultation period from 23 November 2023 to 21 December 2023.
b) a public notice pertaining to the Taxi and Private Hire Vehicles and Private Hire Operators fees be placed in the Newbury Weekly News.
c) a consultation letter is posted to all Taxi and Private Hire Drivers and Private Hire Operators in the District.
d) a copy of the consultation is posted on the Public Protection Partnership website, on the West Berkshire Council Consultation Hub and in the reception area at the Market Street Offices.
e) If no objections are received, the charges for operators and vehicle licence fees are included in February 2024 Executive and March Council papers for approval; or if objections are received, they be considered by the Licensing Committee at the meeting on 22 January 2024 and any changes be recommended to full Council for approval.
· the Chairman of the Licensing Committee should write to Central Government to request that the statutory fees be revisited.
The Committee noted the 2024/25 fees and charges detailed in Appendix A and that statutory licensing fees have not increased since circa 2011
Supporting documents:
- 5. Fees and Charges Covering Report, item 4. PDF 274 KB
- 5. Proposed 2024-25 Fees and Charges, item 4. PDF 853 KB