Agenda item
Local Response to the Cost of Living Crisis
Purpose: To update the Health and Wellbeing Board on the collective response to the impact on residents in West Berkshire of the rise in the cost of living and consider how we build upon the response so far.
Sean Murphy (Service Lead – Public Protection) presented the report on the Local Response to the Cost of Living Crisis (Agenda Item 9).
Further updates were provided on activities that had taken place since the report had been published.
The Board noted that an Individual Executive Decision would be taken on 14 December in relation to proposed amendments to the Household Support Fund, including:
· Distributing money for urgent needs (food / energy) through local voluntary sector organisations.
· Allocating a further £19.5K to the essential household good scheme (furniture / white goods).
· Allocating £10K to support for people in emergency accommodation (food / hot food).
· Setting up a Discretionary Assistance Fund for people moving into properties where carpets / curtains needed to be provided / replaced.
· Making grant payments to people who only received Housing Benefit and were not on Universal Credit.
· Targeted support for older people over the winter months (hot meals / energy / boiler repairs).
· Support for young carers / those leaving care .
A funders meeting had taken place at Greenham. There were presentations from West Berkshire Food Bank, Newbury Soup Kitchen, the Community Resource Centre. A discussion had also taken place about how funders and providers could work together.
A meeting had been held with voluntary sector partners on 1 December at Shaw House. Around 35 charities attended that provided cost of living support. Proposals on apportioning funding were well received. The meeting was also attended by several district councillors, including the Leader and Portfolio Holder for Housing.
The Council had contributed to a joint fund with Greenham Trust. A recent Individual Executive Decision had increased the contribution to £70K. Greenham Trust had since matched that contribution, so £140K was available to support people with cost of living challenges. This was previously for new projects only, but consideration was being given to supporting increased demand for existing initiatives over the winter period.
Although there had been a general reduction in inflationary pressures, food and fuel were still expensive and energy prices would rise again in January. Many people were still having difficulties, so a package of measures had been put together to support people through the winter months.
It was not known whether there would be another round of the Household Support Fund in 2024.
At the voluntary sector meeting, it had been acknowledged that those most affected by the cost of living rises were experiencing poverty. Therefore, the group had decided to change its name to the Poverty and Cost of Living Forum. This change in emphasis was supported by the Board and it was suggested that future reports should reflect this.
It was highlighted that the Corn Exchange had a ‘panto pay it forward’ scheme, which offered free tickets for those who otherwise could not afford to attend. The Corn Exchange was also seeking to start a free supper club in the New Year.
· Jessica Jhundoo Evans to share details of the supper club when available.
· Sean Murphy and Garry Poulson to promote the above schemes to service users and voluntary sector partners.
It was suggested that information on local initiatives may not be easy for members of the public to find and that there should be a central repository to which people could be signposted. Officers explained that the Council was a key point of contact, and a number of staff were trained across the organisation to make referrals, with further training / briefings planned. Also, a comms campaign was planned to highlight the support that was available, including the Household Support Fund.
It was also suggested that more could be done to highlight where people could donate items such as furniture and curtains.
Action: Sean Murphy to discuss promotion of where people could donate items with voluntary sector partners.
The impacts of poverty on mental and physical health were highlighted, and it was suggested that this could be covered as part of the Health and Wellbeing Board Conference.
There was discussion about how some small, local charities may experience challenges in identifying where the needs were greatest, and it was asked whether there was scope to improve signposting. It was noted that the Volunteer Centre had a central database for such organisations. Also, an event had been held recently to bring together some of the smaller charitable trusts and put them in touch with social workers.
Action: Councillor Alan Macro to provide details of local charitable trusts in Tilehurst and Theale to Garry Poulson.
It was noted that one of the work streams for the Mental Health Action Group was around the impacts of poverty on mental health and how people could be supported. However, the Group had struggled to get engagement from partners, and some support services were over-subscribed. It was suggested that Adrian Barker and Rachel Johnson could lead discussions at the conference.
A suggestion was made that free physical activity programmes could be better promoted. These had a positive impact on physical and mental health.
The Volunteer Centre had undertaken a series of consultations around mental health pathways on behalf of Berkshire Healthcare Foundation Trust and a report was being prepared. This had been supported by Adrian Barker.
It was suggested that while organisations represented on the Board had a good idea of the issues facing local residents, there was a need for this information to be mapped and brought into one place. This would allow for better signposting and targeting of resources and would help to avoid duplication.
(a) The report be noted.
(b) The Service Lead for Public Protection report on additional progress to the Board at its meeting on 22 February 2024.
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