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Agenda item

Final DSG Funding Settlement Overview 2024/25 (Melanie Ellis)


(Lindsay Wood re-joined the meeting)

Melanie Ellis introduced the report (Agenda Item 7), which set out the final Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) allocation for 2024-25.

Melanie Ellis reported that the final allocations for the DSG had been received in December 2023. These allocations were set out in the table under section 4.1 of the report and comparisons to the previous year were provided.

Trevor Keable noted the political conversations that had been taking place regarding the amount of money LAs received from central funds and he queried if West Berkshire was acting within this. In response, Councillor Iain Cottingham reported that he had attended a Local Government Finance Conference with the S151 Officer in Westminster and there had been no mention or commitment to extra money being available. The situation facing DSGs had been raised and a number of LAs were facing a deficit. There had been no commitment made that overspends against DSGs, which was prevalent across the majority of LAs in the country, would be called in during 2026. There was a consultation document out currently regarding the flexible use of capital receipts, which was hoped would be a positive move. In conclusion, Councillor Cottingham stated that as far as he was aware there was no extra money available and they were administering in line with the rules of the scheme and central government formula. It was noted that it was an election year.

RESOLVED that the Schools’ Forum noted the report.

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