Agenda item
Update on the the DfE's Delivering Better Value Programme (Hester Collicut / Susan Tanner)
Hester Collicut introduced the report (Agenda Item 9), which provided an update on the Delivering Better Value Programme (DBV) and its impact on the SEND system in West Berkshire, improving outcomes for children and young people.
Hester Collicut reported that she was required to report to the DfE quarterly and the Schools’ Forum to ensure the programme was on track. The programme was currently going well and various aspects from work streams were being instigated. Hester Collicut went through the report in detail, which outlined the progress of the DBV Programme since confirmation of funding from the Department for Education (DfE) in April 2024.
Gemma Piper asked if the Schools’ Forum would see what was submitted to the DfE. Hester Collicut reported that the DfE were very strict about what had to be submitted. This included the deficit management plan and then various questions were answered online regarding progress with the DBV Programme and this also included the submission of certain documents. Hester Collicut reported that it would be possible to share these documents with the Forum post submission. Hester Collicut confirmed that they were required to report to the DfE quarterly and this had taken place for the first time and was a learning process.
Gemma Piper referred to the cross agency gap analysis which was underway and asked how the views of those not attending schools or were between schools, were being captured. Hester Collicut reported that it was about looking at the provision on offer currently and then looking at particular types of students to see how they would link in with this. Gemma Piper asked if assurance could be given that those children that had a diagnosis and were not on roll were being listened to as this was a very important voice that could not be accessed by approaching those on roll. Hester Collicut reported that all children had to be accounted for and this would be picked up through the different strands and the Sufficiency Strategy.
Gemma Piper referred to the transition support programme and commented that she was not aware of a school in the area that did not invest heavily in transitions. The approach to education was very different between primary and secondary school and this was due to systems and the two areas being fundamentally different. This was a large gap and there was already a huge amount of resource put into helping smooth transitions at school level and through collaboration work. In terms of the strand of work, it was important to look at the bigger picture through considering the differences and what the triggers were for why children struggled when making the leap to secondary school. Hester Collicut reported that each of the schools was looking at what was working because they needed to pick up on the learning from each school. Year Seven and SENCOs had been invited to inform the programme and as it developed it would be owned by schools rather than the LA.
Gemma Piper asked if the academisation of secondary schools was seen as a concern for place numbers. Hester Collicut reported that this was identified as a risk. When the DBV Programme budget was submitted, additional mitigations had to be provided to help tackle pressures facing the HNB. One of the mitigations identified had been additional placements within a specialist provision, which was looking to become an academy. Negotiated places might or might not come to fruition as a result and therefore alternative placements had to be sought otherwise there could be a significant impact on the High Needs Block (HNB). One of the strands, ensuring sufficiency, was being used to seek mitigations in this area over the next few months. There was risk but there was an ongoing conversation to address the matter.
Jacquie Davies queried what would happen with the programme over the upcoming holiday period. All Headteachers worked periodically through the holidays however, it was asked how it would be ensured that participation continued and all were kept informed over this period of time. Hester Collicut reported that any general updates would happen on the DBV blog. Those involved in work streams would be kept updated regarding any ongoing work. There were no work stream meetings due to take place in August. No significant decisions were expected however, there would be a continuation of the programme identified in April as the programme had a very tight 12 month delivery window.
Nicolle Browning referred to the banding review and asked if the purpose of the review was to ensure that students had been allocated the right level of banding for their EHCP or if it was to ensure that the financial award to each banding was sufficiently meeting need. Nicolle Browning further queried if it was anticipated that there would be a change in the banding. Hester Collicut commented that first of all they needed to ensure there was sufficient funding to meet need and provision identified. Secondly it needed to be looked into whether the banding system and spend aligned with statistical neighbours. Any findings from the banding review would be brought for discussion and exploration in September. The aim was to create a sustainable system. A banding review had not taken place in West Berkshire since 2013.
· Hester Collicut would share what had been submitted to the DfE on a quarterly basis with members of the Schools’ Forum.
· The Schools’ Forum noted the report.
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